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APCA (Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) is a new method for predicting contrast for use in emerging web standards (WCAG 3) for determining readability contrast. APCA is derived form the SAPC (S-LUV Advanced Predictive Color) which is an accessibility-oriented color appearance model designed for self-illuminated displays.



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APCA™ is the Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm, a new way to predict contrast for text and non-text for content on self-illuminated displays. This repository is for the documentation, for issue tracking, and for the discussion forum.



The correct code to use is apca-w3 which is in its own satellite repository, and is also available at npm i apca-w3 That is the only code that should be used for any development purposes.


The draft independent APCA Readability Criterion is up as a work in progress, still sections to be added and/or adjusted.


For comments or questions on the guidelines, use the ARC forum, that is where we discuss the draft standards & guidelines, and discuss legal & conformance issues.

For comments or questions on theory, math, or the APCA algorithm itself, use the SAPC-APCA forum here, please post all comments, questions, or discussions regarding theory, math, code, third-party tools,third-party tools, and so forth, here and not in the satellite repositories, so they can be tracked and resolved.


  • Main Readme Doc This page includes the math, code walkthroughs and links for developer related goodies. If you'd like to dive into the deep end, this is a good start.

Simple Overview, QuickStart, and FAQ

These are intended for end users, and those interested in a plain language overview without a lot of the math & theory.

Sciency Stuff!

Maths! Vision Science! Photons on Parade!

Poster: a picture of crash test dummies crashing out of a car, and text that says don't be a dummy! Stop using low contrast text. At the bottom it says APCA the world is reading       Smokey the bear saying  ONLY YOU CAN STOP LOW CONTRAST      Uncle Sam saying I want you to use high contrast text

APCA™ Linktree

Curated link collection—an ideal starting point.

The main catalog of related articles, peer reviews, repositories, white papers, and more!

Myndex Research on Twitter

Local Repo Documentation

You are here 🔽 this index page is served at the github repo.

Over there is the APCA W3 version, and it's the same as the published npm package "apca-w3".

The BridgePCA is backwards compatible with WCAG 2, and it's the same as the published npm package "bridge-pca".

ColorParsley is a micro library for auto parsing color strings of all kinds, also on npm.

SeeStars is a micro library for creating CIE Lstar $(L*)$, also on npm.

DeltaPhiStar is an ultra simple general purpose contrast equation.

The canonical demo tool at Myndex

Try out the Bridge PCA tool at Myndex

Color insensitive vision simulation (aka colorblind). Includes deuteranopia, protanopia, tritanopia, and blue cone monochromacy/achromatopsia.

IRT is a California nonprofit, dedicated to developing tecnologies to improve visual accessibility for all, and home to the APCA Readability Criterion.

The APCA base color-pair formula, in math notation. 0.0.98G-4g

APCA The Revolution Will Be Readable

Apkah Happy ReadCow

link to Delta Phi Star repo

IRT logo link to IRT

link to COLOR a twitter community

link to IRT


APCA (Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) is a new method for predicting contrast for use in emerging web standards (WCAG 3) for determining readability contrast. APCA is derived form the SAPC (S-LUV Advanced Predictive Color) which is an accessibility-oriented color appearance model designed for self-illuminated displays.





