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Vertical rhythm using CSS lh and rlh units

Vertical rhythm is a design concept that helps to create a harmonious layout by following consistent spacing between elements, typically using the height of a line as a base. I learned it in my design days when printed media was still a thing1. How much the same concept applies to the Web’s fluid nature is debatable, but this post is not about that. To fulfil your curiosity — yes, the primitively simple design of my website follows the vertical rhythm.

Vertical rhythm grid on my website

Correctly implementing vertical rhythm is a tedious task. Luckily, the CSS Values and Units Module Level 4 defines two helpful units that make the job a breeze: lh and rlh, which are equal to the computed line-height of the element on which it is used and the root element, respectively.

At the time of writing this article, the browser support is limited to Safari and Chromium-based browsers. Have a look at this simple example.

html {
  font-size: 100%;
  line-height: 1.5;

main {
  padding: 1rlh; /* 🫶 */

This post is not a tutorial, just a quick appreciation of modern CSS features. Expect more of these because CSS tricks worth writing about are bombarding me daily. Also, it is the first article where I embedded StackBlitz demo — it is a great tool. Have a great day, folks 😙

  1. It is just a snarky joke. I love you designers out there ❣️ ↩︎


  • R
    Radoslav Sharapanov

    What about images with random height?

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      This is a fair question. Yes, of course there is a slim chance your image will align to the grid perfectly. The point of vertical rhythm is not to align everything with a grid, but more to keep consistency around elements. You can try some serious calc() and aspec-ratio tricks, but personally I wouldn't.

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