
Welcome to the birth of WebOps Weekly - a new weekly covering HTTP, Web technologies, infrastructure and performance. Check out the 'interview' with me below for more. Enjoy!

Peter Cooper
Publisher-in-chief, Cooper Press

So what's WebOps Weekly really all about?

It's a weekly newsletter aimed at anyone interested in HTTP, Web performance, Web servers, infrastructure, CDNs, and anything involved in getting Web content from the metal to the end users.

Isn't that really just 'devops'?

No. I've kept looking into this and DevOps tends to covers a lot of process and people oriented areas, such as 'Agile', quality assurance, management, CI, deployment processes, and collaboration. We're more focused on the underlying technology.

Why are you doing a Q&A with yourself anyway?

I want to experiment with new forms of content in our newsletters, and hope to frequently include small interviews in WebOps Weekly. This is where it starts :-)

Infrastructure, Protocols, and Networks
‘All connections are slow some of the time. All connections fail some of the time.’ So we need to be prepared for even 4G users to be falling back to 3G and 2G occasionally on our sites.
Ilya Grigorik
Web Performance Today
Guy Bedford talks about how HTTP/2 changes how we optimize for performance in the front-end, and how we can begin transitioning to multiplexing workflows today.
Tinkers behind the scenes with ipfw/pfctl/iptables/tc to make your network temporarily act poorly to enable more realistic testing.
Tyler Treat
TLS has several features that can be used to eliminate round trips during when resuming a session. Nick focuses on session resumption based on session ID which works in all modern browsers.
Nick Sullivan
Web Performance Today
The APIs and technologies involved in measuring Web site performance and making Web pages faster.
Barbara Bermes
Graphs common performance timing data from your current website using the performance timing API.
Paul Irish
Filament Group
Chrome Dev Summit 2014
Chris Love
An infographic.
Web Performance Today
Optimize images, use a CDN, use smaller glyph fonts, generate static files, and lazy load resources.
David Walsh
Server-side and Deployment
HttpPlatformHandler allows IIS to host anything that can run on Windows and listen on a certain port, basically a reverse proxy plugin.
Scott Hanselman
Shape Security Labs
Jed Schmidt