
262: CSS Grid

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Grid is getting a ton of support in modern browsers and so we've got a couple of grid experts in Jen Simmons and Rachel Andrew on to help us navigate the grid - what is it? When can we use it? How do flexbox and grid play together? What about Bootstrap?


Jen Simmons

Web · Social

Designer Advocate at Mozilla. Host & executive producer of The Web Ahead podcast.

Rachel Andrew

Web · Social

Web developer, writer, speaker, runner. Half of the company behind Perch CMS.

Time Jump Links

  • 7:00 What is grid? And what does it mean?
  • 16:30 What's the mobile story for grid?
  • 22:30 What is grid and why should someone be excited about it?
  • 27:40 What about all that extra CSS with grid?
  • 36:10 What's autofill?
  • 47:40 How do flexbox and grid play together?
  • 1:01:02 When should you use something like Bootstrap?