What’s new in Web Audio


It’s been a while since we said anything on Hacks about the Web Audio API. However, with Firefox 37/38 hitting our Developer Edition/Nightly browser channels, there are some interesting new features to talk about!

This article presents you with some new Web Audio tricks to watch out for, such as the new StereoPannerNode, promise-based methods, and more.

Simple stereo panning

Firefox 37 introduces the StereoPannerNode interface, which allows you to add a stereo panning effect to an audio source simply and easily. It takes a single property: pan—an a-rate AudioParam that can accept numeric values between -1.0 (full left channel pan) and 1.0 (full right channel pan).

But don’t we already have a PannerNode?

You may have already used the older PannerNode interface, which allows you to position sounds in 3D. Connecting a sound source to a PannerNode causes it to be “spatialised”, meaning that it is placed into a 3D space and you can then specify the position of the listener inside. The browser then figures out how to make the sources sound, applying panning and doppler shift effects, and other nice 3D “artifacts” if the sounds are moving over time, etc:

var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var pannerNode = audioContext.createPanner();

// The listener is 100 units to the right of the 3D origin
audioContext.listener.setPosition(100, 0, 0);

// The panner is in the 3D origin
pannerNode.setPosition(0, 0, 0);

This works well with WebGL-based games as both environments use similar units for positioning—an array of x, y, z values. So you could easily update the position, orientation, and velocity of the PannerNodes as you update the position of the entities in your 3D scene.

But what if you are just building a conventional music player where the songs are already stereo tracks, and you actually don’t care at all about 3D? You have to go through a more complicated setup process than should be necessary, and it can also be computationally more expensive. With the increased usage of mobile devices, every operation you don’t perform is a bit more battery life you save, and users of your website will love you for it.

Enter StereoPannerNode

StereoPannerNode is a much better solution for simple stereo use cases, as described above. You don’t need to care about the listener’s position; you just need to connect source nodes that you want to spatialise to a StereoPannerNode instance, then use the pan parameter.

To use a stereo panner, first create a StereoPannerNode using createStereoPanner(), and then connect it to your audio source. For example:

var audioCtx = window.AudioContext();
// You can use any type of source
var source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(myAudio);
var panNode = audioCtx.createStereoPanner();


To change the amount of panning applied, you just update the pan property value:

panNode.pan.value = 0.5; // places the sound halfway to the right
panNode.pan.value = 0.0; // centers it
panNode.pan.value = -0.5; // places the sound halfway to the left

You can see http://mdn.github.io/stereo-panner-node/ for a complete example.

Also, since pan is an a-rate AudioParam you can design nice smooth curves using parameter automation, and the values will be updated per sample. Trying to do this kind of change over time would sound weird and unnatural if you updated the value over multiple requestAnimationFrame calls. And you can’t automate PannerNode positions either.

For example, this is how you could set up a panning transition from left to right that lasts two seconds:

panNode.pan.setValueAtTime(-1, audioContext.currentTime);
panNode.pan.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, audioContext.currentTime + 2);

The browser will take care of updating the pan value for you. And now, as of recently, you can also visualise these curves using the Firefox Devtools Web Audio Editor.

Detecting when StereoPannerNode is available

It might be the case that the Web Audio implementation you’re using has not implemented this type of node yet. (At the time of this writing, it is supported in Firefox 37 and Chrome 42 only.) If you try to use StereoPannerNode in these cases, you’re going to generate a beautiful undefined is not a function error instead.

To make sure StereoPannerNodes are available, just check whether the createStereoPanner() method exists in your AudioContext:

if (audioContext.createStereoPanner) {
    // StereoPannerNode is supported!

If it doesn’t, you will need to revert back to the older PannerNode.

Changes to the default PannerNode panning algorithm

The default panning algorithm type used in PannerNodes used to be HRTF, which is a high quality algorithm that rendered its output using a convolution with human-based data (thus it’s very realistic). However it is also very computationally expensive, requiring the processing to be run in additional threads to ensure smooth playback.

Authors often don’t require such a high level of quality and just need something that is good enough, so the default PannerNode.type is now equalpower, which is much cheaper to compute. If you want to go back to using the high quality panning algorithm instead, you just need to change the type:

pannerNodeInstance.type = 'HRTF';

Incidentally, a PannerNode using type = 'equalpower' results in the same algorithm that StereoPannerNode uses.

Promise-based methods

Another interesting feature that has been recently added to the Web Audio spec is Promise-based versions of certain methods. These are OfflineAudioContext.startRendering() and AudioContext.decodeAudioData.

The below sections show how the method calls look with and without Promises.


Let’s suppose we want to generate a minute of audio at 44100 Hz. We’d first create the context:

var offlineAudioContext = new OfflineAudioContext(2, 44100 * 60, 44100);

Classic code

offlineAudioContext.addEventListener('oncomplete', function(e) {
    // rendering complete, results are at `e.renderedBuffer`

Promise-based code

offlineAudioContext.startRendering().then(function(renderedBuffer) {
    // rendered results in `renderedBuffer`


Likewise, when decoding an audio track we would create the context first:

var audioContext = new AudioContext();

Classic code

audioContext.decodeAudioData(data, function onSuccess(decodedBuffer) {
    // decoded data is decodedBuffer
}, function onError(e) {
    // guess what... something didn't work out well!

Promise-based code

audioContext.decodeAudioData(data).then(function(decodedBuffer) {
    // decoded data is decodedBuffer
}, function onError(e) {
    // guess what... something didn't work out well!

In both cases the differences don’t seem major, but if you’re composing the results of promises sequentially or if you’re waiting on an event to complete before calling several other methods, promises are really helpful to avoid callback hell.

Detecting support for Promise-based methods

Again, you don’t want to get the dreaded undefined is not a function error message if the browser you’re running your code on doesn’t support these new versions of the methods.

A quick way to check for support: look at the returned type of these calls. If they return a Promise, we’re in luck. If they don’t, we have to keep using the old methods:

if((new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, 44100)).startRendering() != undefined) {
    // Promise with startRendering is supported

if((new AudioContext()).decodeAudioData(new Uint8Array(1)) != undefined) {
    // Promise with decodeAudioData is supported

Audio workers

Although the spec has not been finalised and they are not implemented in any browser yet, it is also worth giving a mention to Audio Workers, which —you’ve guessed it— are a specialised type of web worker for use by Web Audio code.

Audio Workers will replace the almost-obsolete ScriptProcessorNode. Originally, this was the way to run your own custom nodes inside the audio graph, but they actually run on the main thread causing all sorts of problems, from audio glitches (if the main thread becomes stalled) to unresponsive UI code (if the ScriptProcessorNodes aren’t fast enough to process their data).

The biggest feature of audio workers is that they run in their own separate thread, just like any other Worker. This ensures that audio processing is prioritised and we avoid sound glitches, which human ears are very sensitive to.

There is an ongoing discussion on the w3c web audio list; if you are interested in this and other Web Audio developments, you should go check it out.

Exciting times for audio on the Web!

About Soledad Penadés

Sole works at the Developer Tools team at Mozilla, helping people make amazing things on the Web, preferably real time. Find her on #devtools at irc.mozilla.org

More articles by Soledad Penadés…

About Chris Mills

Chris Mills is a senior tech writer at Mozilla, where he writes docs and demos about open web apps, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, A11y, WebAssembly, and more. He loves tinkering around with web technologies, and gives occasional tech talks at conferences and universities. He used to work for Opera and W3C, and enjoys playing heavy metal drums and drinking good beer. He lives near Manchester, UK, with his good lady and three beautiful children.

More articles by Chris Mills…


  1. Felipe

    Woow, this is new for me, any resources to learn how to start with Web Audio ?
    Thank you

    February 17th, 2015 at 18:49

  2. sole


    February 19th, 2015 at 09:41

    1. Lara H

      Thanks for the API docs, this is to be useful for me to start…

      March 6th, 2015 at 03:51

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