The Web Real-Time Communications Working Group has published a Working Draft of WebRTC 1.0. WebRTC defines a set of ECMAScript APIs to allow data to be sent to and received from another client implementing the right real-time protocols.
Check out our new ‘webops’ newsletter, covering HTTP, Web performance, infrastructure, deployment, tooling, etc. Most of the performance oriented stuff we sometimes run in HTML5 Weekly will go there instead in future.
Cooper Press
Accessibility isn’t all about ‘people with disabilities’ but about people overall being able to use the Web properly. Anne Gibson challenges some assumptions about what accessibility means.
A List Apart
Boost the performance of your .NET application with ANTS Performance Profiler. Get rich performance data on your code and database queries to find your application's bottleneck fast. Try ANTS Performance Profiler on your app now.
Red Gate Software
Did you know the Canvas has a navigable sub DOM that you can use to make your canvases more accessible? Here’s a look at how it works.
Steve Faulkner
The CSS Image Values and Replaced Content module provides an ‘object-fit’ property which helps control how aspect ratios are managed on images and videos with specific widths and heights.
Mozilla Hacks
Microsoft and the W3C have been working on a spec to make working with user ‘selections’ easier. The latest preview builds of IE have some initial support.
Adds the ability for React components to render to an HTML5 Canvas rather than the DOM.
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
No Starch Press Publishes 'Build an HTML5 Game' Book news
The final print version is due in March but there’s an early access e-book already.
No Starch Press
First Public Working Draft of Screen Capture news
Defines how a user’s display (or parts thereof) can be used as the source of a media stream with getOutputMedia
Firefox to Require Add-ons to Be Signed in the Future news gHacks Tech News
First Public Working Draft of the Audio Output Devices API news
JavaScript APIs that let a Web application manage how audio is rendered.
Vibration API Becomes a W3C Recommendation news
An API that provides access to the vibration mechanism of the hosting device.
W3C and Automotive Industry Start New Web Standards Work for Connected Cars news W3C
Poll Results: The Most Popular 'input' Types news
Other than ‘text’, of course.
Peter-Paul Koch
Animating Pseudo-Elements tutorial CSS Animation Rocks
Easy Textures with CSS Masks tutorial Jeremy Frank
Recreating the Google Images Search Layout with CSS tutorial SitePoint
Strategies for Keeping CSS Specificity Low tutorial Chris Coyier
Video Tutorial: Intro to the Ionic Framework video Learn how to create hybrid mobile applications with Ionic using AngularJS and the JavaScript controls in Wijmo 5. Watch now. ComponentOne Sponsor
Windows Substitutes Helvetica for Arial
Jonathan Snook
Why I Don't Use Compass Anymore opinion SitePoint
AudioCrawl: Showcasing The Best in Web Audio demo AudioCrawl
Things That Can Be Achieved With a Single input type='range' Element code demo Ana Tudor
iframe-resizer: Automatic Resizing of IFrames to Their Content code
Supports both same and cross-domain IFrames. Dependency free and supports IE8 and above too.
David J. Bradshaw
Konva.js: A 2D HTML5 Canvas Framework code KonvaJS
A NodeJS Recipe for Automating JavaScript Profiling in Chrome code Paul Irish
WebOps Weekly: Our Newest Weekly for Web Engineers
Cooper Press