“As if HTML5 isn’t new enough to many web developers, people thinking ahead to HTML6 are including native support for APIs [..] to the in-browser experience.”
Paul Bruce
Want to lay down some sick techno beats? Noodling around with this quick and clean example of the Web Audio API is more fun than it sounds.
HTML5 Drum Machine
Must-see slides from Google’s Addy Osmani showing off the latest in the DevTools world like paint profiling and animation inspection.
Addy Osmani
Transactional HTML emails often get neglected but they're important for growing and maintaining a healthy user base. To help you, we have open-sourced a collection of common templates for transactional email to download for free. Tables, inline CSS, unsupported CSS, desktop clients, web clients, mobile clients, various devices, various providers - all thought about and tested. Download now.
A gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders, as used in WebGL. Complete with editable, live examples too.
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
Get the latest on what’s happening with WebGL in the game development world with this 90 minute WebGL meetup at the recent Game Developers Conference chaired by Tony Parisi and including talks from folks from Google, Mozilla and more.
A look at the ‘event cascade’ (which is quite a lengthy stream of events in some browsers) and its relevance in handling user input from mice, taps, etc.
Smashing Magazine
"[..] the software maker has now confirmed that it will use a new name for its upcoming browser successor, codenamed Project Spartan."
The Verge
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In Brief
Edge Conference: The Cutting Edge Web Tech Event (June 27; London, UK) news EdgeConf
UI Events W3C Working Draft Published news
Defines UI Events that extend the DOM Event objects defined in DOM4. Formerly known as DOM Level 3 Events.
PandaDoc Seeks to Replace PDFs with New API news
An attempt to replace PDFs with HTML5-based ‘document delivery technology.’
New e-book: React+d3.js: How to Build Data Visualizations with React & D3.js Ebook, screencast, and more. First 100 buyers get 20% off. Swizec Teller Sponsor
Understanding The CSS Box Model for Inline Elements tutorial
How is the box model applied to inline boxes? And how can a new Firefox feature help you visualize the box model for inline elements?
Mozilla Hacks
SVG Animations using CSS and Snap.svg tutorial Michael Tempest
Media Queries: Width vs. Device Width tutorial If you’ve ever been confused of the difference between ‘width’ and ‘device-width’ in CSS media queries, Ryan Reese helps clear it up here. SitePoint
Animation Principles for the Web tutorial
Reflections on the 12 Principles of Animation as published in “The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation” in 1981.
CSS Animation Rocks
Using the Firefox DevTools to Debug fetch() on GitHub tutorial Mozilla Hacks
Using Forms in Email: Method or Madness?
An interesting look at what happens if you try and use forms in HTML emails in various clients.
What Are the Security Risks of HTML5 Apps? opinion SitePoint
When Private Browsing Isn't Private On iOS: HTML5 and AirPlay opinion
On iOS, ‘everything stored in HTML5 storage in Incognito Mode can be accessed in normal mode.’
Mattias Geniar
WiMi5: A Cloud Gaming Platform for Creating and Monetizing HTML5 games tools WiMi5
Loaders.css: Performance-Focused Pure CSS Loading Animations code Connor Atherton
Boy: HTML5Boilerplate But with Older Browsers in Mind code
A lightweight, up-to-date version of HTML5 Boilerplate with conditionally loaded polyfills and a nice general reset for amazing CSS3 support back to IE6.
Cory Simmons
nude.js: Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas code Patrick Wied
Purple: A UI Kit for Heroku's Web Interfaces code Heroku