WebExtensions provides a new way to write Firefox extensions, but the API is mostly compatible with Chrome’s extension API bringing cross-browser extensions a step closer. This tutorial walks through building one.
Mozilla Hacks
A variety of insights from Bartek Lenarth, an accessibility expert from Poland, on what elements of Web design particularly matter for the blind.
Easy SMTP integration and a simple, RESTful API abstracts away the messy details of sending transactional or bulk email. Scale quickly, whether you need to send 10 or 10 million emails. Start sending email now with Mailgun
A list of the various properties and methods which when requested or changed from JavaScript will trigger a costly layout refresh (a.k.a. layout thrashing or reflow).
Paul Irish
Kicking off with a jazzy musical demonstration, Stephen Band leads into a 30 minute talk on working with user interfaces (both visual and hardware) for handling audio in the browser.
SwissJS 2015
A preview version of an ORTC API implementation is in the latest Windows Insider Preview release. (ORTC essentially provides a more programmatic JavaScript based API to RTC functions than WebRTC presently does.)
Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
Frontend Developers at X-Team (Remote)We're looking for experienced frontend developers. The perfect candidate would be highly skilled in different frameworks and libraries. We are 100% remote and we provide the funding needed to help you achieve your goals and grow as a remote developer. X-Team
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In Brief
CSS Basic UI 4, CSS Text 4 & CSS Round Display 1 Working Drafts Published news W3C
Interested in building a mobile app? news video Learn how to move from mobile app idea to deployment, fast. Watch the webinar. Telerik Sponsor
Chrome to Remove SMIL Animation Support news
If this affects you, this is the place to be heard.
Tobi Reif on Twitter
HTML5 Looks Good in Light of Google, Facebook and IAB Moves news Carl Weinschenk
Facebook Will Accelerate Adoption of Web Push Notifications news Karly Cyr
The Self-Taught Web Developer's Guide to Landing Your First Job news
A paid e-book for career-seeking webdevs.
Ken Rogers
GitHub Enables Subresource Integrity for CDN Assets news
Uses a new browser technology called Subresource Integrity.
GitHub Engineering
Stereoscopic Rendering in WebVR tutorial
WebVR brings the Web and the Oculus Rift VR headset together.
Mozilla Hacks
Building a HTML5 Control Surface for Ableton Live tutorial
Live is an awesome music sequencer and digital audio workstation.
Vincent Alsteen
The Web Audio API: Make Your Own Web Synthesizer tutorial
A quick tutorial on building a simple browser-based synth with the Web Audio API.
Stuart Memo
25 Tutorials for Developing HTML5 Web Browser Games tutorial Web Design Wheel
Getting Responsive Tables to Behave
Responsive table CSS based upon a solution from CSS Tricks but with some significant variations.
Joshua Hibbert
Customising Cross-Browser Range Inputs with CSS and JavaScript tutorial Steven Estrella
Dealing with Long Words in CSS tutorial Just Markup
New Animation Inspector Features in Firefox 43 video Patrick Brosset
8 Reasons Why I'm Glad I Switched to the Ionic Framework opinion Josh Morony
Understanding Versions in An Evergreen Browser opinion
Some insights into Edge’s versioning scheme.
Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
Building an Enterprise CSS Framework opinion Salesforce UX
Base64 File Encoder: Drag a File On, Get Base64 Back Instantly tools Jaime Pillora
latex-to-html5: LaTeX Documents to HTML5 Conversion Tools tools Stefan Marr
flowchart.js: Draws SVG Flow Chart Diagrams from Textual Representations code Adriano Raiano