A thorough look at eBay’s approach to accessibility using HTML5, ARIA, and a variation of the BEM approach to CSS.
eBay Tech Blog
The potential of Service Workers has gotten Jeremy Keith excited and in an experimental mood. Here, he takes a code-heavy look at what he’s been doing.
Jeremy Keith
Easy SMTP integration and a simple, RESTful API abstracts away the messy details of sending transactional or bulk email. Scale quickly, whether you need to send 10 or 10 million emails. Start sending email now with Mailgun.
The formaction attribute forces a form to direct to the specified URL instead of the URL specified as the value of the action attribute in the parent form element.
Firefox’s special ‘developer edition’ is now a year old. Version 44 includes new visual editing and memory management tools, plus a WebSocket debugging API, which are shown off here.
Mozilla Hacks
Some straight forward style and tooling suggestions for writing front-end code that’s ‘durable, reliable and would make NASA proud.’
Michael Fouquet
A demonstration of using a Service Worker to intercept requests for JPEGs and PNGs and rewriting them to request more efficient WebP images instead.
Dean Hume
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
Chrome To No Longer Support Win XP, Vista, OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8 in 2016 news Google Chrome Blog
O'Reilly Fluent 2016 Registration Has Opened (Mar 7-10, San Francisco) news O'Reilly Media
Opera 33 Released, Based on Chromium 46 news
Has some new iframe features and supports link rel=preconnect . Dev.Opera