Firefox’s developer tools often get overshadowed by Chrome’s, but they’ve come on a long way and are now rather impressive. Patrick Brosset looks at their history and what’s available now.
Smashing Magazine
Louis Lazaris covers a variety of interesting tools from a script that converts Illustrator documents into HTML and CSS to a JavaScript linter.
A look at an approach for ‘instant’ Web applications that are restored from a Service Worker-based cache.
Dr. Gleb Bahmutov
With imgix, integrating responsive images into your site could not be easier. imgix is fully-compatible with the srcset attribute, the picture element, and Client Hints. Learn how to start delivering responsive images in less than 30 minutes.
Chrome 48 includes a new Security panel to help you work with issues relating to certificates and mixed content.
A short, well presented video from Chris DeLeon where he creates a simple Canvas-based Pong game from scratch.
“The Web made a comeback in 2015 … reinforcing the idea that the Web was never in any actual danger.”
Typekit is now leaning on modern browsers’ native font loading and manipulation abilities via the CSS Font Loading API.
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In Brief
Facebook Turns Away From Flash for Video news
Now uses HTML5 based video instead.
BBC News
Half off all MEAPs, eBooks, and pBooks at Manning news It's just today, and you need to use the code dotd122915tw Manning Publications Sponsor
Looking for Certified HTML5 Developers? The Search Is Over news
W3C has partnered with edX to certify developers via a course.
Firefox Developer Edition 45: Animations, Memory Tools and More news
What’s new in Firefox DE 45’s developer tools?
Mozilla Hacks
HTML 5 Canvas Cheat Sheet tutorial Robert Mening
Click SVG Element to Focus (and Style) tutorial CSS Tricks
Generating SVG With React tutorial Smashing Magazine
Using Chrome Traces to Automate Rendering Performance tutorial Parashuram N
`flex-grow` Is Weird. Or Is It? tutorial Manuel Matuzovic
Understanding the CSS Modules Methodology tutorial SitePoint
Should I Use A Video As A (Web Page) Background? opinion CSS Tricks
QICI Engine: A Web-Based Tool for Creating HTML5 Games tools QuingCi Digital
videospeed: HTML5 Video Speed Controller (for Google Chrome) tools code
HTML5 provides a native API to change playback speed of video, but not all players expose it.
Ilya Grigorik
Timbre.js: JavaScript Library for Objective Sound Programming code mohayonao
RoboJS: Dynamically Load JS Depending On DOM Structure code Marco Gobbi
HTML-909: A Roland TR-909 Drum Machine in HTML5 demo
This is great fun to play with.
Teemu Kallio
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