Artem Tabalin demonstrates how to make web components more accessible via ARIA attributes, keyboard support and validating their visual accessibility.
Artem Tabalin
Chrome will display the HTML5 experience if it’s available, but if Flash is required, the user will be asked whether Flash can be allowed to run or not, except on the top 10 sites which will be whitelisted (e.g. Twitch, YouTube).
Emil Protalinski
Aurelio De Rosa explains how the command line API (as used in DevTools) allows you to quickly perform debugging tasks directly from the browser console.
Telerik Developer Network
With Cloudinary, you can easily adapt any image characteristic at breakpoints to provide an optimal viewing experience on any device.
A golden oldie that has resurfaced this week. Answer several questions and get back some CSS to center your content.
Oliver Zheng
Learn things you didn’t know about flexbox from developer, author, and speaker Estelle Weyl in her keynote from Forward Web Summit.
Estelle Weyl
A site dedicated to ‘CSSitis’, when your site’s CSS grows out of control. It shows how much CSS many top sites use, tools to optimize your CSS, and case studies and articles on the topic.
Roy Quilor
How to use two little known CSS3 properties that can help when creating responsive layouts: object-fit and object-position.
Asha Laxmi
Though browsers are arguably more reliable than they’ve ever been, we still can’t forget about cross-browser testing tools. Ada has 7 options for you.
Ada Ivanoff
Houdini is a collection of APIs (being worked on by Mozilla, Apple, MS, Google and others) that expose the CSS engine’s internals to developers. It’s still early days but this is a good overview.
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In Brief
Lightning fast SSD hosts for your HTML5 project rawurl Host your HTML5 site on Linode servers - the fastest VPS hosts available. Use promo code HTML520 for $20 credit. Linode Sponsor
Web Notifications Supported in Microsoft Edge news Starting with the most recent preview release, Web Notifications are enabled by default in Edge. Microsoft Edge Team
Firefox Tops Microsoft Browser Market Share for First Time news Chrome remains king, with over 60% market share. Andrii Degeler
Firefox for iOS Makes it Faster and Easier to Use the Mobile Web news A new update to Firefox for iOS. The Mozilla Blog
Code Slinger: A 1 Day Software Engineering Conf in London (June 23) news Cooper Press will be attending - see you there? For 15% off, use code COOPERP15 Code Slinger 2016
Uploading Multiple Files At Once with Ajax and XHR2 tutorial XHR2 represents the more recent version of the overall XMLHTTPRequest spec. Raymond Camden
Tips for Aligning Icons to Text tutorial Geoff Graham
Flexbox and Truncated Text tutorial Situation: you have a single line of text in a flex child element. You don’t want that text to wrap, you want it truncated with ellipsis… Chris Coyier
Good and Bad CSS Practices for Beginners tutorial Samuel Norton
ARIA Tabs, UI Problems and Standards opinion Alastair Campbell
25 Seconds, That’s All It Took Before the HTML5 Element Flowchart Was My Best Friend opinion Henrik Ståhl
Is Web Work A Safe Port in The Next Storm? opinion The skills and techniques used to create for the Web will continue to be valuable, even if technology markets cool for a while. Simon St. Laurent
Architecting Front-End Styles opinion Will explains how he breaks front-end stylesheets into four major categories: base, components, patterns, and views. Will H McMahan
RespImageLint: A Linter for Responsive Images tools Martin Auswöger
How to find and fix the slowest code in your .NET application rawurl tools Find bottlenecks in your code or database boost performance with new ANTS Performance Profiler 9. Try free. Red Gate Sponsor
jile: Modular CSS in Pure JavaScript code Manage your styles in JavaScript with the full power of CSS. Plant The Idea
push.js: A Compact, Cross-Browser Solution for Desktop Notifications code Tyler Nickerson
Bulma: A Flexbox-based CSS Framework code Jeremy Thomas
Plyr: A Simple HTML5 Media Player with Custom Controls and WebVTT Captions code Sam Potts