Recently I mentioned we're rebranding HTML5 Weekly to reflect its general front-end focus and *drum roll*.. in July, HTML5 Weekly will become Frontend Focus. Thanks to everyone who suggested new names.
In other news, we're running some workshops in London with JavaScript guru Kyle Simpson later this month, so if you want to do a 2 day intensive JS workshop, a 2 hour ES6 class, or a 2 hour functional JS class, register now :-)
Starts from the usual basics (title, charset, etc.) but works up to a significant number of meta and link tags useful in various situations.
Josh Buchea
Alex Russell thinks the Web is in serious crisis due to the dominance of mobile platforms and research showing time spent using the Web is dropping.
Peter Gasston
Literally see what’s new in the next version of the popular front-end framework, including cards, font changes, a new XL grid tier, and tweaks to button styling.
Carol Skelly
Linode's SSD hosts are the perfect environment for any HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript media. Meet your website's demands with a lightening-quick cloud host offered at competitive pricing. 99.9% uptime and 24/7 support.
Error messages in the Firefox Developer Console will provide helpful links to associated documentation.
Mozilla Hacks
Parker is a CSS static analysis tool that provides insights into your stylesheets and their complexity.
Harry Roberts
An interesting introduction to the ‘physical Web’ from Google’s Leon Nicholls at Google I/O. “What if the real world behaved like the Web?” he asked.
New to Chrome 51, passive event listeners provide a major potential boost to scroll performance.
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In Brief
Upcoming Web Design Conferences (June-December 2016) news Smashing Magazine
Five Ways to Hide Elements in CSS tutorial Baljeet Rathi
You Don't Need JavaScript for That (Use CSS) tutorial A look at JS-free tooltips, dropdowns, and visibility toggling. Cristina Silva
Battling BEM: 10 Common Problems And How To Avoid Them tutorial BEM is a front-end development methodology covering code reuse, naming, file layout, and more. David Berner
Retrofitting Zooming UI To Legacy Websites: An Impossible Task? tutorial Luca Leone and Anders Schmidt Hansen
Using the Permissions API to Query Browser API Permission Levels tutorial David Walsh
How to Build a News Website Layout with Flexbox tutorial Jeremy Thomas
Don't Use iOS Meta Tags Irresponsibly in Your Progressive Web Apps opinion Maximiliano Firtman
Web Storage: The Lesser Evil for Session Tokens opinion James Kettle
The Basics of Building 3D Games on the Web opinion Andrzej Mazur
An Animated Typographic Terminology Cheat Sheet tools demo Supremo
Cutestrap: A Tiny Alternative to Bootstrap tools Just 8KB of CSS. Tyler Childs
CSS Specificity Cheat Sheet, inspired by The Shining tools CSS Dev Conference
LightCMS Developer Program - Free 14-day trial rawurl tools Design More, Work Less. You do fun, we do boring. Create outstanding websites on LightCMS. LightCMS Sponsor
An example of morphing shapes in CSS using some rather intense SCSS code code CodePen
html-extend: Extend HTML using an ES6-like Module System and Annotations code Sergii Kliuchnyk
AOS: A CSS-Driven 'On Scroll' Animation Library code tutorial AOS standing for Animate On Scroll Michał Sajnóg
CSS Modules Demos code CSS Modules is a method to add local scope and dependencies to CSS. Ruan YiFeng
raf-stub: Accurate Testing of requestAnimationFrame & cancelAnimationFrame code Alex Reardon
An HTML5 Micro-Simulation of Traffic Flow demo Not new but I found it fun to see how jams can appear ‘out of nowhere’. Dr. Martin Treiber