A look at ‘how to harness the machines’ to help you with your front-end dev work using Grunt, Gulp, Webpack and npm scripts, along with examples of how and why each is used.
Adam Simpson
How to use new properties and values from upcoming CSS specifications today using the PostCSS tool.
Pavels Jelisejevs
Learn to build your own AngularJS chat app with realtime messages and more in no time. View Tutorial.
How do we make sure a site’s layout stays responsive and displays correctly on all kinds of devices with various resolutions? Here’s one solution.
Ivan Shubin
A practical proof of concept design / proposal to persist sessions using Service Workers.
A proposed API for sharing data (text, URLs, images) from the web to an app of the user’s choosing.
Matt Giuca
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In Brief
Flexbox Gets New Behavior for Absolute Positioned Children news In Chrome 52+, Edge, and Opera 39+. Joseph Medley
CSS Containment in Chrome 52 news The new CSS Containment property lets developers limit the scope of the browser’s styles, layout and paint work. Paul Lewis
The Shortened HTML5 Doctype Was Proposed 11 Years Ago news W3C
Add a 'playsinline' Attribute to the 'video' Element news Gives a standardized pragma for opting into inline behavior in iOS Safari. WHATWG
Lightning fast SSD hosts for your HTML5 project rawurl Host your HTML5 site on Linode servers - the fastest VPS hosts available. Use promo code HTML520 for $20 credit. Linode Sponsor
Using A Gamepad for HTML5 Projects tutorial Dave Voyles
Accessing the User's Camera with JpegCamera and Canvas tutorial JpegCamera falls back to Flash if the browser doesn’t support getUserMedia . Martín Martínez
How to Use Chrome Developer Tools to Test Layouts tutorial Creative Bloq
The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media tutorial A run down of the necessary meta tags for social media to display rich previews. Adam Coti
Leveling Up in CSS tutorial Four pieces of advice to help you work with CSS at scale. Jonathan Z. White
CSS Snap Point Design Guidelines opinion Zach Saucier
Save Scoped CSS opinion The W3C recently updated the draft specification for CSS scoping, using the @scope syntax. However, vendor support seems minimal. Keith J Grant
The Sad State of Printing on the Web opinion Kyle Kemp
Fawkss: A CSS Preprocessor in an AWK Script tools Bills itself as a “CSS preprocessor for people who dislike CSS preprocessors.” Alex Palaistras
Blisk: Your Next Web Development Browser? tools Blisk is a new developer-only browser that uses the Blink rendering engine. Craig Buckler
speedline: Calculate Speed Index & Visual Perf Metrics from DevTools Timeline tools Pierre-Marie Dartus
See what your users see. rawurl tools Meet FullStory, the pixel-perfect session playback tool that makes it easy to answer any question about your customers online experience. Try it free for 2 weeks. Periscope Data Sponsor
React CSS Components: Define React Presentational Components with CSS code Andrey Popp
Snapper: A CSS Snap Points Carousel code Scott Jehl
Decorative Text Underlines with box-shadow and text-shadow demo code Jonathan Neal
Coloring Emoji using CSS demo code Beware: the poop emoji appears in many colors. Roman Komarov