We've done it.. HTML5 Weekly is now FrontEnd Focus. What we do remains the same, but the new name better reflects what we cover. We have a blog post with more info.
Things are still transitioning but over this month, we'll have a new design and fully move over. We appreciate your support and hope you'll continue to enjoy what we do :-)
Best Regards, Peter Cooper, Editor
A helpful, in-depth run through of what each value of an element’s ‘display’ property can do for you, including inline-block , flex , run-in , and others.
Chen Hui Jing
Whats, whys, and philosophy on HTML’s ‘a’ element in a keynote given in Amsterdam recently. This is a good write up, but you can watch the video itself too.
Jeremy Keith
The :target pseudo-class refers to an element within the document that the URL’s fragment points to. It can be used to add some interesting elements of interactivity without JavaScript.
Capture everything, and we mean everything (including the full DOM and console logs), about your customer experience with one easy-to-install script. Try it free for 2 weeks.
“Cross-browser compatibility is still a thing,” says Mozilla, in a high level look at cross-browser Web compatibility, accessibility and tooling concerns.
Mozilla Hacks
A look at how the WebKit team are implementing support for advanced color features (and wide-gamut displays) in Safari.
Dean Jackson
The AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) team would "love to see a future where the important bits of AMP are standardized by the W3C."
Paul Bakaus
Aurelio De Rosa examines tools for automating code style and quality checks for JavaScript and accessibility.
Telerik Developer Network
You won't find a more in-depth walkthrough of the process than this, complete with CodePens to play with.
Anna Selezniova
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
Latest Editor's Draft of HTML 5.2 Released news W3C
Servo Nightly Builds Now Available news A high performance browser engine sponsored by Mozilla and being developed in Rust. Servo
ForwardJS Jul 25-Aug 1 in San Francisco: More JavaScript Than You Require 8 days of sessions & workshops on React, D3, Angular 2, Accessibility, Progressive Web Apps and Functional JS. ForwardJS Sponsor
The “Cobra Effect” That Is Disabling Paste On Password Fields story Troy Hunt
Browse eBay with Style and Speed story A look at efforts being made by eBay to improve users’ experiences when accessing their site on mobile devices. Senthil Padmanabhan
Using HTML5's 'details' Element on GitHub tutorial A handy way to improve the readability when reporting issues. Eric Clemmons
Unlabelled Search Fields tutorial A look at accessibility options for search fields you don’t want to add a typical label to. Jeremy Keith
Web Font Preloading for HTML5 Games tutorial Belén Albeza
Use Cases for CSS Vertical Media Queries tutorial Ahmad Shadeed
The Perfect Print Stylesheet tutorial Each website requires a CSS file for printing, here’s a look at creating one. Andreas Hecht
Improving User Flow Through Page Transitions tutorial Luigi De Rosa
A Look At The CSS text-align-last Property tutorial It specifies how the last line of a block will be aligned. Nitish Kumar
10 Requirements For Making Home Page Carousels Work For End Users tutorial Christian Holst
Structuring CSS in Large Projects opinion Malthe Jørgensen
Still switching to terminal to see your JavaScript test results? tools Instant feedback from your tests and realtime code coverage right in your editor, no context switching. Wallaby.js Sponsor
Ress: A Modern CSS Reset code Another take on the CSS reset, coming in at under 3K. Filipe Linhares
Do Viewport Percentage (e.g. 'vw') Units Pose An Accessibility Issue? demo Note that the text whose size is defined in vw units is not enlarged by increasing the browser’s font size. Vaughan Curd
The CSS Color Game: Find The Named CSS Colour demo This is surprisingly difficult. Chris Heilmann