Harry Roberts looks at some traditional software engineering paradigms and how we can steal, bend, borrow, and reimplement them when writing our CSS.
A simple ‘bouncing ball’ demo written using vanilla JS, jQuery, Greensock, the Web Animations API, P5.js, and Velocity so you can compare their different APIs.
Microsoft and An Event Apart have teamed up for a contest where your challenge is to create a compelling Web experience in just 10KB. You have until September 30th.
10k Apart
Instantly pinpoint performance issues. See how your app spends its time, and who wrote the slow code.
A well-produced, illustration slidedeck packed with thoughts on designing Web experiences for “weird browsers”, such as those found on game consoles, fridges, smartwatches, and TVs.
Niels Leenheer
The WebVR API is a set of DOM interfaces that enable WebGL rendering into Virtual Reality headsets and access to the various sensors for orientation, positioning, and input controls.
Mozilla VR Blog
A lot of useful links from Addy, plus some advice: “For URL addressable resources, use the Cache API. For all other data, use IndexedDB.”
Addy Osmani
Five hands-on, bite-size videos that demonstrate various aspects of Web accessibility, including accessible forms, buttons, and semantic structure.
Marcy Sutton
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
The Average Web Page (Data from Analyzing 8 Million Websites) news Catalin Rosu digs through a ton of data about the HTML content of web sites. CSS Tricks
What's New in Web Audio? news An updated look at the still-in-development Web Audio API and how it’s currently implemented in Firefox. Mozilla Hacks
A Refined Content Security Policy news The latest WebKit builds and Safari Technology Preview now support all of the features of the Content Security Policy Level 2 standard. WebKit
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 53 news A round-up of the deprecations and removals in version 53 of Chrome. Joseph Medley
Smooth as Butter: Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3 tutorial Tips for getting the most out of your Web animations performance-wise. José Rosário
Zooming CSS Background Images tutorial Dylan Winn-Brown
Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques with this whitepaper rawurl tutorial If you're a HTML5/JS dev, responsive web design is or will be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know on responsive web. Progress Sponsor
S(GH)PA: The Single-Page App Hack For GitHub Pages tutorial Smashing Magazine
Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind slidedeck How to decide what CSS to refactor and when, and how to avoid regressions when adding new CSS. Harry Roberts
A 30 Minute Introduction to Service Workers video Phil Nash
Go Offline with Service Workers video Emanuel Kluge
When to Use the Web Animations API opinion Some thoughts on when using JS (Web Animations API) might make more sense than CSS. Daniel Wilson
Thoughts about a WebGL-Next opinion What a WebGL2 successor could look like and why it can’t be ‘WebVulkan’. Andre Weissflog
How to Prepare for A Front-End Developer Interview? opinion A lot of responses and opinions. Hacker News
Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Developers tools Web & mobile devs get all their favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE. ActiveState Sponsor
Really Simple Responsive HTML Email Template code Lee Munroe
Waud: A Web Audio API Library with HTML5 Audio Fallback code Adi Reddy Mora
Phonograph.js: Tolerable Mobile Web Audio code Rich Harris
Baffle: A Tiny Library for Obfuscating and Revealing Text in DOM Elements code Cam Wiegert
DropZone.jsx: HTML5 Drag and Drop React Component code
GPU Deep Learning Demo: Recognizing Handwritten Numbers with WebGL demo Eric Arnebäck
Adult Swim's Web Experiments on CodePen demo U.S Cable network Adult Swim has joined CodePen with numerous weird Web experiments. CodePen