In 30 minutes, Paul Irish shares what’s new in Chrome’s DevTools and how they’ll help you when debugging your sites and front-end work. A lot of useful stuff here.
Paul Irish
Monkey testing is a method of testing that generates random user input - clicks, swipes, entering input - with the sole purpose of finding issues with, or entirely breaking, your app.
Alicia Sedlock
A look at some of the tricks you can pull off with the rgba color function (well supported by all modern browsers).
Ahmad Shadeed
Kendo UI delivers everything you need to build modern web applications under tight deadlines - from the must-haves Data Grids & DropDowns to Spreadsheet & Scheduler. Choose from 70+ UI components and combine them to create beautiful, responsive apps.
Firefox 50 is a big release for developers with lots of tweaks to the developer tools, but WebRTC, the Web Audio API, Pointer Lock API, Drag and Drop API, and more have been improved.
An incredibly extensive/deep look at Unicode, character sets and encodings on the Web, and how emoji fits into the big picture.
Rob Reed
Osvaldus Valutis looks at what can done to improve the loading of ads when working to optimize your site.
CSS Tricks
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
Safari Technology Preview Release 17 Is Now Available news Jon Davis
Google Says There Are 2 Billion Chrome Browsers in Use Today news Nick Statt
Intent to Ship CSS Grid Layout in Chrome news Manuel Rego
Kranky Geek WebRTC Event (San Francisco, Nov 18) news A Google-hosted WebRTC event later this month focusing on mobile real time communications. Kranky Geek
Using Y-Axis Transforms and Matrices in CSS tutorial Sitepoint
Creating SVG 'Invisible Pen' Effects with Vivus.js tutorial Ivaylo Gerchev
Things I've Learned About CSS Grid Layout tutorial Oliver Williams
Throwaway Code opinion Do you create code meant to be thrown away? Corgibytes’ Chief Code Whisperer Scott Ford explains why he does. Corgibytes Sponsor
Is Model-View-Controller Dead On The Front End? opinion Alex Moldovan
Don't Use Long Polling - Just Use WebSockets opinion Jonathan Gros-Dubois
The SVG 2 Conundrum opinion Will SVG 2 ever make it into widespread production? Chris Coyier
Sprite Spirit: Image Sprites to Animation tools Generator and SCSS Mixin that brings image sprites to life. Elior Shalev Tabeka
Simulate Slow Connections with The Network Throttling Tool tools Firefox DevTools has now a network throttling tool to simulate slow connections. Firefox Nightly News
Using The New CSS Coverage Tool in DevTools tools Discover what CSS is unused on a page, even during page interaction. Umar Hansa
Discover the world’s most trusted SQL Server comparison tool tools Enjoy a free trial of SQL Compare, the industry standard for comparing and deploying SQL Server schemas. Red Gate Sponsor Large Scale WebGL-Powered Data Visualization code A WebGL-powered framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets. Uber
Clarity: A HTML/CSS/UX Design System and Angular 2 Components code Jumpstart projects with a UI kit, set of Angular 2 components, and HTML/CSS framework from VMware. VMware
Milligram: A Minimalist CSS Framework (2KB gzipped) code
CSS-Only Sliding Panels using Transforms code demo CodePen
Chrome-Style Tabs Reproduced with HTML/CSS/ES6 demo Adam Schwartz
Using box-decoration-break For Multi-Line Padded Text demo Nick Salloum