Do you use React? If so, check out React Status. It's our sister newsletter dedicated to React and React Native. The latest issue is here. :-)
Gajendar Singh explains HTML’s custom data attributes, why they’re useful, how to use them from CSS, and manipulating them with JavaScript.
How Dropbox rolled out same-site cookie based defenses, and some guidelines on how you can do the same for your site.
Building desktop apps using Web technologies has never been easier. This tutorial compares NW.js and Electron and digs into the key concepts and issues.
Adam Lynch
Find out how Wijmo’s advanced UI components can help you to create an Angular application quickly and efficiently – we take you through step-by-step.
Make your credit card form support autocompletion, improve how numbers are laid out, and perform simple validations on the fly.
Margarita Klubochkina
Which framework should we be using, and why? Also, should we be using the whole framework or just parts of it?
Jen Kramer
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
CodePen Projects: Edit Multiple Files and Host Sites on CodePen news A big step forward for the popular HTML and CSS sandbox. Chris Coyier
DRM in HTML5 Takes Its Next Step Toward Standardization news Peter Bright
Guetzli: A New Open Source JPEG Encoder Yielding 35% Smaller Files news Google
Workshop: Brian Lonsdorf's Practically Functional Programming course Master monoids, monads & other algebraic abstractions to produce highly composable, safer, & simpler code. Forward Courses Sponsor
Animating Your Site's Hero Header with CSS tutorial Donovan Hutchinson
Smoothly Animating 1000s of Points with HTML5 Canvas and D3 tutorial Peter Beshai
Experimenting with the Web Share API tutorial Phil Nash
Text Effects with CSS (and A Little 'contenteditable' Trick) tutorial demo Chris Coyier
css-razor: A Fast Way to Remove Unused Selectors From CSS tools Uses cheerio to parse static html to removed unused selectors in CSS. Tim Scanlin
A Chrome Extension That Fills Out Forms Automatically tools Aims to make life for developers easier. Can use faked or pre-defined info. Stephan Ahlf
SQL Source Control: track each change to your SQL Server database tools Get a full history in your source control system. See who made changes, what they did why. See how. Red Gate Sponsor
Barebone: A Minimal SCSS-Based Framework for Rapid UI Development code Barebone
Fetch Inject: Dynamically Inline Assets Into The DOM using Fetch Injection code Here’s an introduction and explanation. Josh Habdas
moveTo: A Dependency-Free Scroll Animation JavaScript Library code Hasan Aydoğdu
Vizceral: WebGL Animated Traffic Visualization Tool code Netflix
Planck.js: A Pure JS Rewrite of Box2D's Physics Engine code For cross-platform HTML5 game development. Demos. Ali Shakiba
minireset.css: A Tiny Modern CSS Reset code Jeremy Thomas