A fantastic round-up of concepts, tools, and things to consider when doing one of a developer’s most important tasks: debugging.
Sarah Drasner
A major release for Edge that includes WebVR, CSS Custom Properties, Payment Request API, and experimental WebAssembly support. Test in the latest Edge using a VM image or for free on BrowserStack.
A free, thorough and open source guide anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development.
Frontend Masters
A practical guide on how to add accessibility information to HTML elements using the WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) spec.
Available as a Chrome Extension, command line app or Node module, Lighthouse is a Google-built tool for auditing Web pages for a variety of issues.
Google Developers
An attempt to shed some light on the invisible parts of CSS, such as the rendering process, the box model, and more.
Mike Riethmuller
Thoughts on why React has become so popular, so quickly, along with a demonstration of the core principles.
Samer Buna
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
Chrome Introducing 'Scroll Anchoring' to Eradicate Page Jumps news Google
Getting Started with Neat 2.0, A Lightweight and Flexible Sass Grid tutorial Thoughtbot
Case Study: My First Practical CSS Grid Layout tutorial Tyler Sticka
CSS Grid Layout and PostCSS: Now 'KISS' tutorial What happens when you combine a new powerful specification with a great processing tool? Sylvain Pollet-Villard
Augmented Reality in 10 Lines of HTML (with AR.js and A-Frame) tutorial Alexandra Etienne
Individualizing CSS Properties with CSS Variables tutorial Dan Wilson
Block Formatting Contexts and Lists with 'display: flow-root' tutorial Resolves the issue of weird padding/margins around floated elements. Paul Bakaus
Debugging CSS for UI Responsiveness tutorial CSS properties and values that trigger reflows are costly when it comes to page and UI responsiveness. Tiffany Brown
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Front-end Developer Our team has coded thousands of web and mobile projects. Learn how we hire the best front-end developers. Code My Views Sponsor
Automated Web Accessibility Testing with aXe video A11ycasts
Creating Music with the Web Audio API video A well produced 30 minute talk. Rich Williams
Stylelint: A Modern CSS Linter With Over 150 Checks tools .. and support for the latest CSS features. Maxime Thirouin, David Clark, Richard Hallows
mq-scss: A Sass Mixin for Formulating Media Queries tools Daniel Tonon
Try Bugsnag, and Get a Free T-Shirt 👕 tools For a limited time, get a free shirt when you sign up and try Bugsnag for automatic JavaScript error monitoring. Bugsnag Sponsor
Embedo: A Modern Social Media Embed Plugin code For Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest content. Shobhit Sharma
SVG Icons for Popular Brands and Technologies code Quite developer/tech focused and lots to choose from. Simple Icons
Across Tabs: Easy Comms Between Cross Origin Browser Tabs code Further info, documentation and a demo. Wingify