We’ve brought together the best/most useful resources and tutorials from recent weeks.
Chris Brandrick
The first in a series of posts breaking down the Grid spec. The CSS Working Group called this “How to Read the First Page of Just About Any CSS Specification”
Rachel Andrew
Maria Antonietta Perna highlights the benefits of lazy loading images on websites and shows five approaches to implement it.
Netflix's Brian Holt returns to teach a full-day workshop on ES6 and React. React eschews the traditional MVC architecture, a counter-intuitive approach Brian explains along with JSX, React best practices, and the React component lifecycle.
Forward Courses
No C needed, you can now easily build browser extensions using standard Web technologies.
Benjamin Young
CSS Custom Properties give the ability to reach into a property value and change certain parts of it. This quick example should win you over.
Chris Coyier
How the adjacent sibling selector can solve complex design requirements while maintaining readable CSS.
Sebastian Eberlein
A fun look back at a time when the Web’s aesthetic was a little more.. ‘rough and ready’. Remember the dancing baby?
Dom Hennequin
Our traditional idea of the top five browsers may be over-simplified, outdated and skewed.
Peter O'Shaughnessy
Rachel Andrew covers the basics of how to use CSS Grid and how to start using it right now - without leaving older browsers out in the cold. 28 minutes.
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
Chrome Headless Now Supported on All Versions of Chrome 59+ news
How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers tutorial Smashing Magazine
Let’s Define Exactly What 'Atomic CSS' Is tutorial John Polacek
Open vs. Closed Shadow DOM tutorial The difference between using the open and closed modes of Shadow DOM. Leon Revill
touch-action: A CSS Property for Customizing Touch Interactivity tutorial Hui Jing Chen
Letting The Content Delivery Network Optimize Your Images tutorial Jon Arne Sæterås
A Journey to Effective, Maintainable CSS Media Queries tutorial Kaloyan Kosev
Create data-intensive, feature-rich web & mobile apps with Sencha Ext JS Learn how to design, develop and test data-intensive web apps that run on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Sencha, Inc. Sponsor
The Origin of the 'IMG' Tag story Jay Hoffman
When Does a Project Need React? opinion CSS Tricks
Six Free Web-Based SVG Editors Compared tools SitePoint
SuperTinySocialIcons: Miniscule SVG Versions of Common Logos tools Terence Eden
$20 Free Credit on a new account. Linux cloud hosting starting at 1GB of RAM for $5/mo. Use promo code HTML520 and get $20 credit. linode Sponsor
Explodal: A Modal With An Explosion Effect code
OpenLara: Classic Tomb Raider Running in the Browser demo