Digging into two ways to validate forms on the front end while both taking advantage of newer web APIs and taking support back to IE9.
Chris Ferdinandi
In a 28 minute talk, the original proposer of CSS covers the history of the Web, CSS, and even doing book layouts with CSS.
Hakon Wium Lie
A guide built at Grab, a major Asian transportation platform, covering SPAs, React, Flux/Redux, and other popular front-end dev tools.
Tay Yang Shun
Join Kent C. Dodds to master the latest tooling (like Jest & Cypress) and techniques to test real-world React, Redux, and Node express apps.
Frontend Masters
An argument that current aspect ratio techniques are hacky, with a proposal for some new CSS syntax along the lines of 'aspect-ratio: 16/9 '.
Bram Van Damme
Image Capture is an API to control camera settings and take photos, now supported in Chrome 59+. Simple demo and code here.
Google Developers
Some thoughts on how CSS methods such as Flexbox and Grid pose a problem for keyboard focus order.
Alastair Campbell
It’s not one of ours, but it’s been around a while and really narrows in on this niche area well.
Chris Lowis
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
CSS Grid Support Shipping in Edge (Behind A Flag For Now) news Stefan Baumgartner
Possible Future Directions for Data On The Web news W3C
Conquer Email with Postal and Compose tutorial A deep dive article on creating a custom email server with Postal and IBM Compose. Compose Sponsor
Designing The Perfect Accordion tutorial How do you design the perfect accordion? The choice and position of the icon matters, and so does interaction designs. A detailed run-down. Vitaly Friedman
Using Stickybits: An Alternative to 'position: Sticky' Polyfills tutorial Jeff Wainwright
Building a Color Picker Component with Marko tutorial Marko is a UI library built at eBay. eBay
How to Apply CSS3 Transforms to Background Images tutorial Applying transforms like rotating and skewing to background images. SitePoint
How to Create A Checkmark Animation with Anime.js tutorial Mikael Ainalem
10 Tips on Typography in Web Design tutorial Nick Babich
Database Performance Monitoring Buyer’s Guide This guide is designed to aid when evaluating database monitoring solutions for your unique environment. VividCortex Sponsor
Reliably Measuring Responsiveness [PDF] slidedeck Shubhie Panicker and Nic Jansma
Building a Better Login with the Credential Management API video Currently a draft specification at the W3C. James Allardice
An Interview with Chris Coyier of CodePen and CSS-Tricks Fame story Preethi Kasireddy
Progressing The Web: Progressive Web Apps are for Everyone opinion Jeremy Keith
Thoughts on Self-Documenting CSS opinion A look at differing CSS comment styles, with consideration for whether they add (or not) to the code. Keith J. Grant
Powerful Additions to the CSS Grid Inspector in Firefox Nightly tools Mozilla Hacks
consolemock: A Small Dev Utility for Testing Console Logs code Thomas Marek
picogl.js: A Minimal, WebGL 2-Only Rendering Library code For WebGL 2 developers who want a simpler API. Tarek Sherif
share-this: Medium-like Text Selection Sharing Without Dependencies code Massimo Artizzu
Flubber: Smoothly Interpolate Between 2D Shapes code Noah Veltman