Adobe is planning to stop updating and distributing Flash at the end of 2020, encouraging creators to migrate Flash content to open formats like HTML5, WebGL and WebAssembly.
Manuel Matuzović thinks Grid is “one of the most exciting developments since responsive design” adding that we should “get the best out of it as soon as possible”.
Smashing Magazine
Including contain , writing-mode , and will-change .
Annarita Tranfici
Much more than an intro, you’ll not only learn React, but also a proven set of tools including Router v4 for paging, Jest for testing, Redux and Flow!
Frontend Masters
Sebastian Eberlein explores ‘edge cases’ where scaling a fixed layout with viewport units can be a viable solution.
Hacker Noon
In this talk from CSS Day 2017 Rachel explores how the Web Animations API can be used to generate, manipulate and run CSS Animations in the browser. Associated slides here.
Rachel Nabors
Mozilla has prepared a roadmap for Flash support in Firefox, and guides for site authors to make their final transition away from Flash technology.
Benjamin Smedberg
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
webpack 3.4.0 Released news Tobias Koppers
Migrating Games from Flash to Open Web Standards on Facebook news The social network is working on a migration path for devs that use Flash to power their Facebook games. Jakub Pudełek
Components will make you a better web developer Component IO introduces modular content management you can embed anywhere. Component IO Sponsor
An In-Depth Look at the Updated WebCrypto API in WebKit tutorial Jiewen Tan
A Collection of Interesting Facts about CSS Grid Layout tutorial Some interesting but useful tidbits about using CSS grid layout. Manuel Matuzović
You’re Offline: How to Check for Network Changes & React Accordingly tutorial Your site should adapt to all kinds of situations: “A change in connectivity is one of them”. Max Böck
How to Bundle a Simple Static Site Using Webpack tutorial James Hibbard demonstrates how you can use Webpack to bundle a simple static site. SitePoint
D3 in Depth: An Intermediate Guide to D3 Visualizations tutorial Peter Cook
Animating with CSS Variables tutorial Four examples showing how CSS variables can be helpful for animation. Val Head
How to Use Polymer with Webpack tutorial Rob Dodson
A Beginner's Guide to HTML5 Cross-Browser Polyfills tutorial SitePoint
The Core Concepts of Webpack in 23 Minutes video Tom Friedhof
The History of the Web: How We Got the Favicon story “Favorite icons” have been with us since 1999. Jay Hoffmann
Eleven Examples of How WebVR Is Being Used Today story Yuvesh Tulsiani
Optimizing Performance of A-Frame Scenes for Mobile Devices story Mozilla Hacks
A Eulogy for Flash opinion “There’s no doubt in my mind that Flash drove the web forward.” Bruce Lawson
Video Player with Android & iOS SDKs tools Easy to integrate Video Player for web browsers (HTML5), Android & iOS, Chromecast, AirPlay, AppleTV, SmartTVs. Bitmovin Sponsor
Flow: A Free Typeface Built for Wireframing tools Replaces text with lines and comes in three weights. Dan Ross
Fitty: Makes Text Fit Perfectly to Its Container tools Rik Schennink
Kap: Open-Source Screen Capture Tool That Uses Web Technologies tools Wulkano
A CSS-Only Image Slider Based on SVG Patterns demo code Damián Muti