“As the web platform grows, there needs to be a standard way for developers to check the status of a permission [..] The Permission API, available in Chrome version 43, is intended to be this [..]” Mozilla and Microsoft also seem keen.
Today’s Chrome 42 release turns off NPAPI (“Netscape Plugin API”) support by default, meaning the start of the end for bulky plugins, as commonly used for things like Java and Silverlight.
Ars Technica
This is about as simple as you can boil down the process.
John Sonmez
This comprehensive course is meant to teach you everything you need to know about JavaScript, from the fundamentals all the way through to functional JS. Get 70% off with the HTML5Weekly Coupon!
Frontend Masters on Udemy
If you blow past the usual 5 megabyte limit, what happens? Turns out there are a few possibilities, depending on the browser.
Raymond Camden
At SFHTML5, the Web animation guru looked at the Web Animations API from the perspectives of UI designers, interaction developers, library authors, and the browser teams implementing it.
PostCSS parses CSS into a tree of nodes that you can manipulate programatically.
SVG is an XML-based vector image format that’s becoming increasingly common on the Web due to responsive design and high resolution devices. Experts from the W3C, Mozilla, Canon, Adobe and elsewhere are busy working on version 2.
Specifiction launched a year ago as an independent venue for Web developers to openly discuss Web standards. Now it’s taking a new step forward.
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In Brief
Today's Chrome 42 Release Implements the Push API news
Provides servers with a mechanism to send messages to a webapp, regardless of whether the webapp is currently active on the user agent or not.
Signal: A New Conference To Unlock Communication Experiences news Learn about the future of the web and real-time communications from developers such as Philipp Hancke from and Guillermo Rauch of Socket.io at Signal on May 19-20 in San Francisco. Twilio Sponsor
CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 3 (CSS3 UI) news
Describes UI-related selectors, properties and values that are proposed for CSS Level 3 to style HTML.
Gamepad: A New W3C Working Draft news
The Gamepad specification defines a low-level interface that represents gamepad devices.
Mobile Game Development with the Device Orientation and Vibration APIs tutorial Mozilla Hacks
Drag Elements, Console History, and more in Firefox Developer Edition 39
Some key improvements for the Firefox developer tools.
Mozilla Hacks
11 talks from Forward 2 that will change the way you write JS video Kyle Simpson asks "JavaScript: WTF?" and Hunter Loftis tells us "What JavaScript Programmers Can Learn from Game Devs", and more. Forward Web Technology Summit Sponsor
7 Lessons from 3 Years of HTML5 Mobile Application Development opinion Josh Morony
O₂ Engine: An HTML5-based Visual Novel Engine tools
A 'Live CSS Editor' without using JS demo
Built around the idea that ‘style’ is just an HTML element like any other.
Landscape Parallax using CSS (Only) demo code Dave Chenell
Atom-Shell-App-Builder: A Builder to Package Atom Shell Applications Written in HTML/CSS/JS code tools xavier geerinck
WebAudioExtension: Web Audio API Editor Extension for Google Chrome code tools Jaume Sanchez
Render Markdown As Unrendered Markdown (using the CSS 'content' property) code GitHub
layzr.js: Small, Fast, Dependency-free Library for Lazy Loading Images code Michael Cavalea
Basscss: Fast, Modular CSS with No Side Effects code
A collection of base element styles, immutable utilities, layout modules, and color styles.
3Dmol.js: WebGL JS Molecular Graphics Library code David Koes