The arguments over the importance of Web standards are long past, but now it’s time to think about how Web standards should continue to be standardized. Jory, COO of Bocoup, summarizes a complicated topic.
Jory Burson
The creator of Dragula, a drag and drop component, shares some helpful tips for keeping your own modular front-end creations as clean as possible. Useful stuff for anyone building front-end libraries or components.
Nicolas Bevacqua
Produces some striking effects. The homepage has numerous demos and a visual explanation of how it works.
Rich Harris
Now that it's a few months old and hitting its stride, it's a good time to check out our new 'webops' newsletter if you haven't already. It covers performance, deployment, monitoring, HTTP/2, and similar topics.
Cooper Press
A look at two approaches that the W3C’s Web Payments Interest Group is discussing for improving the user experience, speed and security of payments online.
“[A]rticles I’ve read, conversations I’ve had, and behaviours I’ve observed, have led me to the conclusion that the open web, in the form we know it now, is under threat.”
Peter Gasston
The WebKit project now has a page that shows the implementation status of numerous Web Platform technologies.
Heydon Pickering explores how to use ARIA live regions which help us keep users informed of events in a way that is compatible with assistive technologies.
Smashing Magazine
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
TomTom Launches HTML5 Navigation on Firefox OS Smartphones news Pocket GPS World
Signal: A New Conference To Unlock Communication Experiences news Learn about the future of the web and real-time communications from developers such as Philipp Hancke from and Guillermo Rauch of at Signal on May 19-20 in San Francisco. Twilio Sponsor
HTML5 Runtime Company OpenFin Raises $3m news
Provides HTML5 runtime technology to the financial industry for high perform trading platforms.
Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL course
It’s possible to join for free (without getting any certification).
HTML5 Video: Understanding Compression and DRM tutorial
From the context of using tools from Microsoft’s Azure Media Services.
Broadcasting Geolocation Data with HTML5 Location Services and JavaScript tutorial PubNub
New CSS4 Selectors tutorial CSS4 Rocks
Notes on Animation Performance in the Browser
Ada Rose Edwards
Cyclomatic Complexity: Logic in CSS tutorial Harry Roberts
Automatic Cache Busting for Your CSS tutorial Sufian Rhazi
Building Offline Mobile HTML5 Apps opinion Marcin Bunsch
Google Is Using Chrome to Shape The Web in Their Image opinion Dendory
The State of Binary Data in the Browser opinion
“Don’t try to store Blobs directly in IndexedDB, unless you want to cry. Browsers still suck at it.”
Nolan Lawson
What Does the Future of E-Commerce Look Like? opinion NACS Online
Has The Native vs. HTML5 Mobile Debate Changed? opinion ITworld
Mouse Cursor Motion Blur Effect demo CodePen
WebGL International Space Station Photo Explorer demo Callum Prentice
VoxLords by Magnus Persson: A WebGL Game demo Chrome Experiments
aViewer: Accessibility Inspection Tool, Now Open Sourced code tools
An inspection tool for Windows that displays accessibility API information (MSAA, IAccessible2, UI Automation, ARIA, HTML DOM) exposed by browsers to the operating system.
Steve Faulkner
react-soundplayer: Create Custom SoundCloud Players with React code