“Photoshop Design Space” is a new interface for Photoshop aimed at app and Web developers. It’s open source, built with HTML5, and can be enabled as a Technology Preview in the latest Photoshop CC release.
A fun 20 minute talk that digs into the background to audio synthesis generally, backed up by numerous Web Audio API examples along the way.
Chris Lowis
A look at clarifying the relationship between CSS and HTML and the role of CSS in working alongside other components of the Web development picture. It doesn’t exist yet but it’s bold thinking.
Glen Maddern
AppBuilder combines the tools you need to build, test deploy mobile apps to iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
Wavesurfer makes it easy to show a visual representation of audio in any browser that supports the Web Audio API (a bit like how SoundCloud does).
Axel Rauschmayer explains WebAssembly, a new low level binary format for Web scripting, in an efficient, easy to understand way. This is big news for the Web, especially as Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla are working together on it.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Unity is one of the world’s most popular game programming environments, and the Unity team aim to support WebAssembly from the off after initial experiments have shown promise.
Detects which CSS selectors your app is using and creates a file without the unused CSS. Also able to also detect dynamically loaded CSS selectors and can work with single-page apps.
Kenny Tran
The ‘filmstrip’, a feature you can enable in Chrome Canary, shows a series of images of how a page rendered at specific points in the page load process.
Damon Bauer
A look at the changes affecting interoperability of web sites against Microsoft’s new browser.
Microsoft Edge Team
An incredible write up, complete with code and graphics, of what went into using modern Web technologies to create a guitar tuner.
Paul Lewis
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
From ASM.JS to WebAssembly news Brendan Eich
Opera for Android Gets Installable Web Apps and 'Add to Home Screen' news Dev.Opera
Want to share your developer expertise with a global audience? Apply today. news Actively seeking web developers to join our tight knit family of teachers and earn royalties.
Pluralsight Sponsor
Service Workers Will Not Ship in Firefox 41 news
“While Service Workers are largely feature complete [..] implementing this feature has introduced a number of security risks. We need to perform a fresh security audit before the code can ship.”
Ben Kelly
Intent to Implement Streams in Firefox news
The Streams specs provide APIs for creating, composing and consuming streams of data.
Ben Kelly
New: 'aria-roledescription' Property news
Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element.
Steve Faulkner
Building Shaders With Babylon.js and WebGL: Theory and Examples tutorial
There’s a lot packed into this tutorial.
A Fast, Accurate Way to Test IE from iOS, Mac OS X, and Android tutorial tools
RemoteIE is a Microsoft project that provides a virtualized version of the latest version of IE.
Responsive Web Typography with Sass Maps tutorial Smashing Magazine
UI Animation Reviews: A Look at Animation In Responsive Design video
A quick five minute review of several uses of animation in responsive design situations.
Val Head
Secrets and Ideas for Focusing on Performance in HTML5 video Looking to boost performance in your web and mobile apps? This blog combines the top talks from Fluent on the subject and a datagrid performance benchmark sample from Wijmo. Wijmo Sponsor
An Introduction to Browser Rendering video
A quick 7 minute walk through some of the underlying processes of rendering a Web page within a browser.
Umar Hansa
If Apple are throttling back on web platform work in Safari... opinion
.. I wish they’d allow other browsers on iOS so someone else can have a go.
Jake Archibald
Be Mobile Friendly with The New W3C Mobile Checker tools W3C
DeckTape: A PDF Exporter for HTML5 Presentation Frameworks tools
Built on top of PhantomJS and supports reveal.js and DZSlides out of the box but is extendable.
Antonin Stefanutti
Material Theme: A Google Material Design-esque Sublime Text 3 Theme tools Mattia Astorino
Froala: A Design Framework Based on HTML5 and CSS3 'Design Blocks' code Froala
inert-polyfill: Polyfill for The HTML 'inert' Attribute code
The ‘inert’ attribute makes the browser consider an element absent for the purposes of targeting user interaction events and more.