Analysis of 1044 survey responses on CSS preprocessors, task runners, JS libraries, and more.
Ashley Nolan
CSS scroll snapping (available in Firefox 39+, partial support in IE and Edge, and in Safari 9+) allows you to control where to stop on an overflowing element when it’s scrolled.
Mozilla Hacks
A look at CSS Grid Layout, a relatively new W3C specification with limited but growing support (a polyfill exists, however).
Mozilla Hacks
Easy SMTP integration and a simple, RESTful API abstracts away the messy details of sending transactional or bulk email. Scale quickly, whether you need to send 10 or 10 million emails. Start sending email now with Mailgun.
Digging into the implementation of visual effects in Canvas-based HTML5 games.
Mikołaj Stolarski Tomasz Grajewski
The practice of guessing what users need so assets can be fetched ahead of time has been called ‘prebrowsing’ and it’s formed of several techniques which Robin summarizes here.
Robin Rendle
A look at creating SVG maps of any area of the world ready for Web use.
Chris Youderian
Create shaders with no code. Compose multiple shaders together.
More stats than you could possibly want about native WebGL support on devices hitting a variety of sites.
WebGL Stats
Recent news is suggesting browser support for WebRTC without the need for plugins is coming soon.
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In Brief
Interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: A Look at the Work of a Standards Pioneer news Web Design Ledger
Updates to the Service Worker Cache API news Jake Archibald
Houdini Task Force Meeting Report news
Houdini is a joint W3C TAG and CSS Working Group initiative to specify hooks into existing CSS.
Bruce Lawson
CSS Cascade 4: Last Call for Comments news
This CSS module describes how to collate style rules and assign values to all properties on all elements by way of cascading and inheritance.
Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity tutorial Val Head
Is The Web Platform Getting Too Big? opinion Nicholas C Zakas
The Problems with Feature Detection opinion Niels Leenheer
HTML Color Codes and HTML Color Pickers tools Dixon and Moe
bitdash HTML5 Adaptive Video Streaming Player - MPEG-DASH - HLS tools bitdash enables HTML5 adaptive streaming with no need for plugins like Flash or Silverlight. bitdash comes with a comprehensive API and custom player skins and styles. bitdash by bitmovin Sponsor
16 CSS Animation Tools and Frameworks tools Paul Andrew
CanvasVideoRecorder: Record Frames From HTML5 Canvas to Video tools
Sends frames via XHR to a Python HTTP server that then runs ffmpeg.
Professional private code hosting for developers & teams tools Codebase offers fast reliable hosting for Git, HG SVN repos with project management built-in. 50% off first 3 months with code RUBYWEEKLY. Codebase Sponsor
HTML5 Deck of Cards demo Juha Lindstedt
An HTML5 version of StarCraft code Ryuta