A detailed look at ‘client hints’ (supported in Chrome 46) which lets the browser send extra hints via HTTP headers as to the sort of images it wants back.
Ilya Grigorik
An offline first library that hides the complexity of using Service Workers and the new Caching API, and lets developers easily create sites that are accessible both online and offline.
Tal Ater
Frequently ignored and often abused, these elements contribute greatly to creating a semantically and typographically rich page when used correctly.
Dudley Storey
14-day $5 trial of front-end training with industry legends. Upgrade for 38% off our original price, or cancel in 10 seconds. Until September 10th at midnight ONLY. See page for details.
Frontend Masters
While much of the initial excitement over Web Components has died down, the technology is still very much alive. This post summarizes the story so far.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
It’s now possible to manage whether scroll positions of pages are restored or not when navigating back through history.
Google Developers
How content is displayed is important to its understanding, and so we ask much of CSS. This document covers priorities for new CSS features.
A look at the varying behaviors of browsers when rendering resized radio buttons and checkboxes.
Robin Whittleton
requestIdleCallback is a new performance-oriented function for scheduling work to be performed when the user is idle, in order to keep pages fast and responsive.
Paul Lewis
The Chrome team are focusing on reducing Chrome’s memory footprint this year. Addy Osmani explains what’s involved, what they’re doing, and how you can help.
Google Developers
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
The WHATWG HTML Standard is Now Hosted on GitHub news WHATWG
TPE to CR: Advancing The Conversation About Web Tracking Preferences news
A Candidate Recommendation of the Tracking Preference Expression (TPE) has been published which defines future mechanisms for expressing user preferences regarding tracking via HTTP headers.
Give back to the developer community-apply to teach today. news Actively seeking web developers to join our tight knit family of passionate teachers and earn royalties.
Pluralsight Sponsor
Alliance Established to Deliver Next-Gen Open Media Formats news
Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel Corporation, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix have allied to work on a new open ultra high def video format for the Web.
Alliance for Open Media
Microsoft Edge Team Working on WebM and VP9 Support; Starting on Opus Soon Supporting links.
Flash-Free Clipboard for the Web tutorial Mozilla Hacks
Making Selected Button States Clear for Color Blind Users tutorial UX Movement
Web Animations on Large Screens tutorial
Effective web animations that work well using Firefox OS for TVs.
Mozilla Developer Network
Retinafy your web sites & apps by Thomas Fuchs tutorial
Does your app look fuzzy on phablets? You could spend hours researching how to retina-fy all your graphics for different devices, or you can learn it in an hour. Regular price $29, $5 off for our readers. Thomas Fuchs Sponsor
Using Sass’s @error, @warn, and @debug Directives tutorial SitePoint
CSS Properties to Control Web Typography tutorial SitePoint
Why You Want to Disable jQuery.parseHTML Even If You Don't Call It opinion
It’s a security hazard.
Wladimir Palant
Safari is Not the New IE, But... opinion Telerik Developer Network
Juiced: A Flexbox CSS Framework tools Joey Lea
Smart Table Scroll: Build Fast 1 Million Row Tables with Native Scroll Bars code
Reuses and yields nodes on the fly to maintain the performance.
Chris Polis
Office UI Fabric: The Front-End Framework for Building Office Design Language Experiences code
A responsive, mobile-first, front-end framework, for creating web experiences using the Office Design Language.