A thorough introduction to ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications), an approach to making your sites more accessible to people with disabilities.
Georgie Luhur
Involves using the CSS calc() function and the width, min-width and max-width properties. It even seems to work with Gmail.
Rémi Parmentier
A practical and thorough look at the basics of HTTP/2 as they apply to web designers and developers.
Rachel Andrew
With v2, Ember is more performant and complete than ever. In this course we’ll build a rich cross-device app together step-by-step from scratch.
Frontend Masters
Chrome is intending to change the behavior of normal stylesheet loading (via ‘link’) so only rendering of content located after the ‘link’ element is blocked. This has key performance implications.
Jake Archibald
A slidedeck that walks through all of the basic principles behind WebGL and 3D graphics. Both a good refresher or great primer before you read other material.
Nick Desaulniers
A developer from the BBC’s Visual Journalism unit explains how to work out a solid cross-browser testing strategy.
Chris Ashton
Senior Frontend Developer at bonifyMake a dent in the Fintech universe. How? Join our vibrant international team and be responsible for a unique user experience. See what we can offer you. Bonify
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In Brief
W3C Launches The Web Authentication Working Group news
Its goal is to develop Web standards that use strong cryptography instead of password exchange.
The Dolby Audio Web Challenge news
Dolby (yes, the audio people) are running a Web audio challenge (complete with prizes).
Chrome Change Breaks The Visual Viewport news QuirksMode
Looking for search engines to crawl your AngularJS application? rawurl tutorial Learn how Wijmo improved SEO in their AngularJS site by following these few easy steps. Grape City Sponsor
Implementing Content Security Policy tutorial
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security standard introduced to help prevent cross-site scripting (XSS). It’s implemented via HTTP headers.
Mozilla Hacks
How to Lint Your Sass/CSS Properly with Stylelint tutorial Scotty Vernon
Turn Your AMP Up To 11: Everything You Need To Know About Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages tutorial Smashing Magazine
Why npm Scripts? (During Web Design) opinion Damon Bauer
Estimating A Front End Web Dev Job opinion Hans Kristian Smedsrød
Diff of HTMLs: Unofficial Diff Viewer of WHATWG HTML vs W3C HTML 5.1 tools Takeshi Kurosawa
Announcing client-side JS error logging rawurl tools Beautiful annotated stacktraces with sourcemap support, intelligent error grouping & auto-assignment. Opbeat Sponsor
Free Photoshop Tools For Web Designers tools Smashing Magazine
Atomic Chrome: Edit Chrome Textareas in Atom tools code Daniel Perez
markup.ml: Error-Recovering Streaming HTML5 and XML Parsers code
Written in OCaml.