A superb slidedeck from a workshop given by Smashing Magazine’s proprietor. You should learn a few things from this.
Vitaly Friedman
How do Web Components fit into the current state of the Web, work cross browser, and adapt to the space they’re allocated? David Berner shows us how.
David Berner
Mobile is becoming the starting point in Chrome’s DevTools.
Paul Bakaus
Building out test suites is our specialty. We refactor. You build new features.
The WHATWG Fetch API provides a modern way to fetch network resources and gives you fine grained control over the details of the request and response.
Ehsan Akhgari
MS is participating in the W3C Browser Extension Community Group’s efforts to define standardized extension APIs.
Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
Covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible.
Defines the W3C’s activities around DRM and corrects misconceptions about “EME putting DRM in HTML”.
W3C First Public Working Draft describing what people with low vision require for electronic content, tools, and technologies to be accessible.
UI Developer, React + D3 (Boston)We're looking for a savvy UI Developer to help us build applications for the next generation of wearable devices. Join our engineering team and get your hands dirty with React, D3 and other best-of-breed web technologies. MC10
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In Brief
Safari 9.1: Updates to WebKit in iOS/OS X news
New WebKit features include CSS variables support, Fast Tap (bye 350ms delay), and improved HTML5 Canvas image smoothing.
Firefox Dev Edition 47 Updates: User Agent Emulation and Popup Debugging news Mozilla Hacks
Canvas toBlob() Support Added in Chrome 50 news
“Instead of manipulating a base64 encoded string that you get from toDataURL(), you can now you work with the encoded binary data directly.”
Paul Lewis
Previewing WebAssembly Experiments in Microsoft Edge news Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
Google's Mobilegeddon Aftermath: Eight Months Into A Better Mobile Web news Smashing Magazine
A Practical Introduction to Material Design Lite by Google tutorial SitePoint
How to Create an Interactive Animated SVG Drum Kit tutorial Codrops
Canvas Vs. SVG: Choosing The Right Tool for The Job tutorial Maria Antonietta Perna
Content and Display Patterns with Expressive CSS tutorial John Polacek
Interview with Google Software Engineer Alex Russell video O'Reilly
Dreamfactory simplifies data connections for web apps rawurl tools Free and open source, DreamFactory automatically generates REST APIs from nearly any data source. We'll even host it for you for free. DreamFactory Sponsor
PostCSS Mythbusting: 4 PostCSS Myths Busted opinion SitePoint
PX, EM or REM Media Queries? opinion
Ever wondered if you should use px, em or rem units for your media queries?
Zell Liew
Web Typography Is Broken. Here’s How We Can Fix It opinion Tom Bredin-Grey
CSS Flexbox Is Entirely Logical (Almost) opinion Paul Robert Lloyd
Grunt Unused: Check for Unused Files in A Project tools
A Grunt task to check for unused files in a project and output them to the console.
Ryan Burgess
The Visual Component Library: A Modular CSS for Web Components code
A modular, extensible approach to CSS for the era of component-based Web application development.
Thomas Hoppe
RenderJS: A Serverless WebRTC Database using Chrome HTTP WebSocket Server code Nexedi
Force.js: To Animate Elements and Move Around Your Page code
Multiple easing functions and uses CSS transforms by default.
René Tanczos
Get paid to share your developer knowledge with a global audience rawurl Create and publish video training courses as a freelance Author. Flexible schedule, work from home. Apply today. Pluralsight Sponsor
Procedurally Generated Infinite WebGL City demo My Little Rapture