What are the bare elements you need and how can they come together? Originally published in 2013 but updated for 2016.
Louis Lazaris
A focus on security-sensitive situations in which performance can actually be a bug rather than a feature.
Mathias Bynens
The future of video on the web looks bright. In the future, we won’t need multiple formats, nor (obviously) Flash. HTML5 MPEG-DASH streaming is coming.
Stefan Lederer
Linode's SSD hosts are the perfect environment for any HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript media. Meet your website's demands with a lightening-quick cloud host offered at competitive pricing. 99.9% uptime and 24/7 support.
Pavels explores how PostCSS (the CSS post-processor) can help improve and maintain your CSS quality with code linting and analysis.
Pavels Jelisejevs
HTML support in email clients continues to improve (very slowly) meaning you can now produce simple ‘carousels’ with fallback options, given enough code and patience.
Geoff Phillips
A look at up-to-date front-end tooling as well as alternative approaches to compiling, building and automation that emphasize the human side of teamwork.
Karolina Szczur
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In Brief
Upcoming React Native Workshops with Scott Moss rawurl Build world-class native apps in JavaScript. Plus native app developers can now build in the same paradigm across multiple platforms with React Native. Frontend Masters Sponsor
WebKit Updating Its Prefixing Policy news WebKit’s new feature policy is to implement experimental features unprefixed, behind a runtime flag. WebKit
3 day Ember.js Workshop - Munich, May 30th to June 1st 2016 rawurl news This workshop takes participants through building a full Ember.js application using modern Ember.js patterns. simplabs Sponsor
How to Design Rich Card-Based Layouts with Semantic UI tutorial Ivaylo Gerchev
Making the Switch Away from Icon Fonts to SVG: Converting Font Icons to SVG tutorial Sara Soueidan
Styling Text With SVG Filters tutorial A walkthrough of recreating a text-effect off of US currency. John D. Jameson
Getting Started with PostCSS: A Quick Guide for Sass Users tutorial Svilen Gospodinov
Almost Complete Guide to Flexbox (without Flexbox) tutorial A cheatsheet-esque guide that offers backwards compatible alternatives to flexbox properties. Kenan Yusuf
The Tilde CSS Selector, Use Carefully tutorial Tips on how to avoid misusing the tilde selector. Martin Falkus
Using the Web Audio API and WAD Library to Generate Sounds tutorial Web Designer
React, IoT, Bots, APIs: Why Web Development Needs a Change opinion Keith Horwood
A Revised Subgrid Specification opinion Some thoughts on the revised subgrid proposal for the CSS Grid Layout specification. Rachel Andrew
You Might Not Need A CSS Framework opinion Highlighting some of the drawbacks of using a CSS framework. Belén Albeza
Chart.js: Open Source HTML5 and JS Charting tools Chart.js
Diffee Checker: Instant Visual Diffing with CSS Blend Modes tools Enter two URLs (local is fine) and visually compare them with an overlay. Una Kravets
Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet tools A quick reference for Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.2 Alexander Rechsteiner
ClippyJS: Add Clippy to Any Web Page for Instant Nostalgia code
Scrollbear: Maintain Scroll Position As Images Load On A Page code Howard Chang
Hamburger Menu Animations code Jonathan Suh
Upcoming React Native Workshops with Scott Moss rawurl course If you’re a JavaScript developer looking to build native apps or a native app developer looking to build in the same paradigm across multiple platforms, this workshop is for you. Frontend Masters Sponsor