Google’s Rob Dodson makes the case for why he thinks Custom Elements make sense on the modern Web, particularly within large organizations.
Rob Dodson
Any time a browser has to recalculate the positions of elements in a document, a reflow occurs which can affects performance and the user experience. How can these shifts be minimized?
Smashing Magazine
While developing a 3D card flip effect for the Web, Google’s Paul Lewis ran into some challenges with making good shadows. This post explores how he overcame them.
Paul Lewis
If you're a HTML5/JS dev, maybe you have already jumped in on a responsive project and would like to learn more. If not, responsive web design will probably be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know responsive web.
“The W3C Wiki and the W3C specifications are now accessible using the Memento ‘Time Travel for the Web’ protocol.” Memento is an HTTP extension that adds a ‘time dimension’ to the Web.
Herbert Van De Sompel
A look at techniques for making CSS animations and transitions feel more natural and professional.
Nash Vail
How to use Web Bluetooth to control any Bluetooth Low Energy device directly from your PC or smart phone as a Progressive Web App.
Uri Shaked
A look at building a wrapper for the Fetch API, step-by-step, to cache fetched AJAX results and avoid repeated requests to the server.
Peter Bengtsson
Build some practical experience in making webapps accessible with Alice Boxhall and Rob Dodson in this online course.
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In Brief
W3C Invites Implementations of its Data on the Web Best Practices news W3C News
Microsoft Edge and Continuum: Your Desktop Browser On Mobile news Microsoft
WebDriver Support Now in Safari 10 news WebDriver is a browser automation API that enables people to write automated tests.
Celebrating 15 Years of WebKit news The first commit to the public WebKit repository was made in August 2001. Maciej Stachowiak
HTML Spec Changing Behavior of Line Breaks with minlength and maxlength news WHATWG
Webinar: 3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web rawurl Tips to ensure your responsive web design is high-performance and customer-friendly. Register now. Dynatrace Sponsor
The New Rules of (Web) Form Design tutorial Mike Madaio
A Thorough Intro to Spectre: A Lightweight CSS Framework tutorial Baljeet Rathi
CSS Positioning Explained By Building An Ice Cream Sundae tutorial Kevin Kononenko
Fun Times with CSS Pixel Art tutorial Techniques for producing retro-style ‘pixel art’ for the Web using CSS, Canvas and SVG. Geoff Graham
Using WebP Images tutorial Still only supported in Chrome, however. Jeremy Wagner
Use Cases for Fixed Backgrounds in CSS tutorial Geoff Graham
Webpack from First Principles: A Smooth 15 Minute Intro video Front End Center
Demythstifying Web Components: 4 Myths Debunked opinion Daniel Buchner
How to find and fix the slowest code in your .NET application rawurl tools Find bottlenecks in your code or database and boost performance with new ANTS Performance Profiler 9. Try free. ants performance profiler Sponsor
Grade: Generate Complementary Gradients From Supplied Images code The demo shows it off well. Ben Howdle
Badgerly: A CSS 3 Library for Rendering Badges code Steven Hunt
React Static Plate: Build Static Sites with React + CSS Modules code Uses ES6, supports hot reloading locally, generates a sitemap.xml file. Yannik Schweinzer
Interactive 3D CSS Cubes demo A simple interactive grid in 3D space. The effects are pure CSS. Christine Cha
Make a Depth of Field Effect with CSS Animation demo Simulating depth-of-field with HTML and CSS alone is “surprisingly easy”. Demo of it in action. Pixel One Zero