Under certain circumstances, Chrome is blocking some external scripts that are using document.write() to improve performance.
Paul Kinlan
A look at using the basics of the Web Animations API, now available by default in Firefox 48+ (also supported in Chrome 36+).
A detailed walkthrough of a modern front-end design technique for transitioning smoothly between two values, depending on the current viewport size, rather than jumping from one value to another.
Florens Verschelde
The aha moment, when you can scroll a page and still see a data grid’s column headers as the page scrolls off the screen. Seeing the user benefit and customer request, learn how the team at Wijmo implemented this new feature in FlexGrid. View sample.
Jack Rometty takes you on a tour of Chart.js 2.0 and its various chart types. Plenty of easy-to-follow examples to drop in to your next project.
“I fear that HTTP Public Key Pinning — a standard that was intended to bring public key pinning to the masses—might be dead.”
Ivan Ristic
A set of tools to analyze your website and inform you if you’re using some of the many available methods to secure it. Code here.
Lots of things to consider before launching your latest site.
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In Brief
An Update on the Progress of Bootstrap v4 news Mark Otto
Chrome 55 to Start Highlighting HTTP Sites as 'Not Secure' news Andy Gambles
Happy 15th Birthday to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) news demo A fun CodePen demo from Tobi Reif to mark 15 years of the format. Tobi Reif
FlyWeb: Pure Web Cross-Device Interaction news An experimental project from Mozilla. Mozilla Hacks
How A Chrome Extension Creator's Extension Was Taken Down After 4 Years news Be careful if you use other people’s trademarks. Zeno Popovici
Multi-Process Firefox Brings 400-700% Improvement In Responsiveness news Mozilla’s continued efforts to rollout a multi-process architecture, codename Electrolysis, for Firefox. John Mannes
Developing Extensible HTML and CSS Components tutorial Jon Yablonski
The Building Blocks Of Progressive Web Apps tutorial Some dos and donts on building progressive web apps. Ada Rose Edwards
Glitch Art with HTML5 Canvas tutorial Dudley Storey
Using WebUSB to Access USB Devices on the Web tutorial A draft API for accessing USB devices from the Web browser, currently an experimental feature in Chrome. Google
Learn CSS Flexbox in 3 Minutes tutorial A very brief intro. Per Harald Borgen
A to Z CSS: The CSS Value of 'auto' video Guy Routledge explores CSS values and properties from each letter of the alphabet. Letter A is for auto SitePoint
A Multiple Image Hero Layout with CSS Grid Layout video A quick 3 minute guide. Rachel Andrew
Element Finder Package for Atom tools Use Atom? Want to easily find elements in your project that match a certain CSS selector? This is for you. Keegan Street
DevTools Timeline Viewer tools Shareable URLs for your Chrome DevTools Timeline traces. Paul Irish
25 Useful HTML, CSS and JS Tools and Libraries tools A great round-up of handy front-end tools. Bradley Nice
SQL Source Control: Track each change to your SQL Server database rawurl tools Get a full history in your source control system. See who made changes, what they did why. See how Red Gate Sponsor
mobi.css: A Lightweight, Flexible CSS Framework with a Mobile Focus code Xcat Liu
Cesium: A WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine code Cesium
Postmate: A Powerful, Promise-based postMessage Library code Allows a parent page to speak with a child iFrame across origins. Dollar Shave Club
in-view: Get Notified When A DOM Element Enters or Exits The Viewport code Cam Wiegert