A ton of examples for taking relative units beyond just font sizing, including building an entire page of elements sized in %, em, and rem units.
Ahmad Shadeed
A look at nine tools you can hook up to Dropbox to streamline the process of creating and hosting static websites (particularly for prototypes).
Cosima Mielke
“A PWA is functionally defined by the technical properties that allow the browser to detect that the site meets certain criteria and is worthy of being added to the homescreen.”
Alex Russell
Linode's SSD hosts are the perfect environment for any HTML5, CSS, and Javascript media. Meet your website's demands with a lightening-quick cloud host offered at competitive pricing. 99.9% uptime and 24/7 support.
It’s 2016, Rich Fink reminds us. Webfonts have blossomed (60% of the Alexa top 1 million sites use them). Surely no one would argue for a return to system fonts? Wrong.
Richard Fink
A library that uses the User Time API and measures things in your web app, annotates the DevTools timeline, and reports the results to Google Analytics.
Eric Bidelman
An in-depth dive into some of the technical details of using color on the web.
Sarah Drasner
We had CSS1, and CSS2. We even had CSS2.1 and we then moved onto CSS3 – or did we? This post is a quick explanation of how CSS is versioned today.
Rachel Andrew
Into IoT and the Web? If you like playing with cutting edge, user-facing tech, you should check out Web Bluetooth.
Uri Shaked
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try Hired.com.
In Brief
Where Things Are At In The CSS Grid Layout Working Draft news A few things have changed in the latest draft of the Grid Layout module. Nitish Kumar
Polymer 2.0 Preview news The goal is to take advantage of native, v1-level Shadow DOM and Custom Elements APIs. Polymer Team
Microsoft Working on Bringing WebVR to Edge news WebVR makes it easier to build immersive VR experiences for the Web. Microsoft
Visual Studio Code Introduces iOS Web Debugging news You can now debug JS running on iOS devices directly from VS Code. Microsoft
CacheQueryOptions Arrive in Chrome 54 news Good news for Cache Storage API users. Google
Two free weeks of JavaScript training: React Native, Async, GraphQL rawurl course Learn from Google, Twitter and Netflix alums about Event Loops, React, Flux, Async Coding & Front End DevOps ForwardJS Courses Sponsor
A Look at 8-Digit Hex Color Codes tutorial The extra 2 digits are for alpha transparency. Chris Coyier
How to Translate from DOM to SVG Coordinates and Back Again tutorial Craig Buckler
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend tutorial Why Content Security Policy (CSP) is important and what you need to be aware of when configuring it. Nicolas Hoffmann
A Guide to Browser Scroll Animations tutorial Brian Rinaldi
MinMaxing: Understanding vMin and vMax in CSS tutorial Dudley Storey
Fancy SVG Letter Animation with anime.js tutorial Mary Lou
Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques with this whitepaper rawurl tutorial If you're a HTML5/JS dev, responsive web design is or will be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know on responsive web. Progress Sponsor
The Colors Used by the Ten Most Popular Sites story Goes deeper into Web color than you’d expect from the title alone. Paul Hebert
Redesigning a Seven-Level Navigation System: A Case Study story Marko Dugonjić
Is Web Programming a Series of Hacks on Hacks? opinion A very busy discussion on Hacker News. Hacker News
The Job of a Web Designer is Changing (And That's Good News) opinion Paul Boag
granim.js: Create Fluid and Interactive Gradient Animations code Demo page. Benjamin Blonde
pageAccelerator: A Very Light Solution to Load Web Pages Faster code An agnostic library that uses ajax and pushState to deliver a faster navigation experience. Easyfood
The 'Stranger Things' Intro in CSS demo An impressive CSS recreation of the intro to this summer’s biggest Netflix show. William O'Beirne