Powerful opinions on the importance of elegantly dealing with mobile web constraints, whether through aggressive build solutions, client-side technology or ‘tricks and illusions.’
Dion Almaer
A pure Node solution for testing webapps that handles browsers, running tests, and generating report. There’s great documentation too.
Developer Express Inc.
“If you have ever been on a long roadtrip, then you can understand CSS Flexbox.” This is a very interesting way to explain things.
Kevin Kononenko
Now’s the time to get up to speed with Angular 2. Rangle offers a FREE Angular 2 online training course for JavaScript developers. Register now to join the session on November 22-23.
Variables are one of the major reasons CSS preprocessors exist at all, but now ‘CSS variables’ are supported by most major browsers.
Chris Coyier
Every icon is getting remade from scratch, and with 36 days left to go, the campaign is far beyond its original goal.
Dave Gandy
How using multiple backgrounds via CSS can be a useful technique to improve perceived load time when large masthead images are involved.
Harry Roberts
John Gruber worries that using AMP traps users by not easily offering them an obvious way to get back to the canonical version of the article. Chris Coyier follows up.
John Gruber
Senior Web Developer (Minnesota, USA)We're seeking a dev who loves creating polished web experiences. The right candidate needs the skills to create smooth animations, and an ability to make artistic decisions, turning static designs into interactive interfaces. Plaudit
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In Brief
CSS Table Module Level 3: W3C First Public Working Draft news W3C
Introducing the Web Share API: Native Sharing from the Web news Chrome is running an Origin Trial on a simple API called Web Share that allows sites to invoke the native sharing capabilities of the host platform. Google Developers
PubSubHubbub Now Known as PubSub, Adopted by W3C news W3C
Gaining Understanding of The Browsers People Use news During September 2016 only 2% of visitors to the UK government website used IE 7, 8 or 9. That’s 1.8 million people. UK Government Digital Service
YouTube Is Being Rebuilt with Web Components and Polymer news Jorge Arévalo
What's New in IndexedDB 2.0? news Mozilla Hacks
Error Monitoring and Crash Reporting Now Available for React Native rawurl Use Bugsnag to automatically capture and report JavaScript and native OS crashes in your React Native apps. Bugsnag Sponsor
Recreating The Periodic Table with Grid CSS tutorial A practical look at the flexibility afforded by using Grid CSS. Justin Avery
JavaScript for Web Designers: DOM Scripting tutorial Mat Marquis
The Sad State of HTML Email Input Fields and IDNs tutorial Mike Cardwell
Using CSS Mod(ulo) Queries with Range Selectors tutorial A creative use for queries that select patterns of items and range selectors to change the layout of elements in lists. Patrick Clancey
Responsive Images in CSS tutorial A look at the available options for supporting responsive images, how they work and where they are supported. Chris Coyier
How to Manage Hyphens with CSS tutorial Using the hyphens and -webkit-hyphens properties. Joseph Medley
aria-selected: When (Not) to Use It tutorial Using ARIA attributes can be more nuanced and tricker than you’d think. Stefan Judis
You Can’t Get Comfortable in Web Development opinion Rey argues that developers are panicking because they’re “looking at what they need to do to stay relevant and it’s hard to pick a route”. Rey Bango
Is MVC Dead for The Frontend? opinion Alex Moldovan
Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Developers rawurl tools Web & mobile devs get all their favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE. ActiveState Sponsor
Web Bloat Score Calculator tools A tool with an interesting approach of measuring a page’s weight vs. the size of a screenshot of the same page. TestDome
CSS Icons: Icons You Can Use Built Entirely in CSS tools Wenting Zhang
useful.ly: A CSS Flexbox Framework tools
CSS Character Units: CSS Getting 'ch' Character Width Units demo Wes Bos