Chrome 54, now on the stable release channel, includes support for Custom Elements v1, the BroadcastChannel API, and an origin trial of foreign fetch.
Google Developers
Nolan argues that the ‘HTML-first’ approach to progressive enhancement (i.e. without JS) fits a narrow view that may no longer be applicable to the modern web.
Nolan Lawson
Brian Holt (Netflix) introduces you to React plus surrounding ecosystem including: Redux, React Router v4, Jest for testing, Webpack 2, Yarn and more.
Frontend Masters
A JavaScript implementation of the full HTML5 form validation and constraints API that replaces or polyfills the browser’s native methods.
“We should be able to build a baseline structure of text in a way that works for most users, regardless of their eyesight. So, as a physicist by training, I started looking for something measurable.”
Kevin Marks
A quick look at some less popular browsers with unique approaches, such as Brave, Ulli, and Blisk.
Chris Brandrick
How to detect when a browser ‘autocomplete’ occurs so that the impact of autofill on forms can be measured. Paul argues that autocomplete is a net-positive for users and businesses.
Paul Kinlan
How Eduardo Bouças built SpeedTracker, an open-source service that runs on top of WebPageTest to build up and visualize web page performance metrics over time.
CSS Tricks
Senior Web Developer (Minnesota, USA)We're seeking a dev who loves creating polished web experiences. The right candidate needs the skills to create smooth animations, and an ability to make artistic decisions, turning static designs into interactive interfaces. Plaudit
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In Brief
Introducing Chrome Canary for Android news Google
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 news Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will take place at the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco, CA on November 10-11. Join Chrome VP Darin Fisher for two full days of announcements and talks from the Chrome team. Register now with code FRONTENDFOCUS Google Inc. Sponsor
How To Build Honest UIs And Help Users Make Better Decisions tutorial Smashing Magazine
How to Read Web Specs Part I – Or: WebVR, How Do You Work? tutorial A look at the WebVR API spec in its current form, and how to navigate and “parse” it for yourself. Surma
A Pure CSS Content Filter tutorial Harry Roberts
Change The Styles on Autocompleted Fields in WebKit Browsers tutorial Use the -webkit-autofill pseudo-selector to target those fields and style them. Geoff Graham
Introduction to SVG Animation tutorial Why animating SVG is different from animating in CSS, and some hiccups you might experience. Sarah Drasner
Magic Randomisation in CSS with nth-child and Cicada Principle tutorial Charlotte Jackson
How Different Types of HTML Form Fields Handle Invalid Values tutorial Raymond Camden
SVG and Media Queries tutorial One of the great things about SVG is you can use media queries to add responsiveness to images Jake Archibald
Understanding the SVG viewBox tutorial Dudley Storey
How to Make HTML Disappear Completely tutorial How to make HTML elements invisible by hiding them, making them transparent, or moving them off screen. Quincy Larson
Autodeploying Angular Applications to AWS OpsWorks tutorial Amazon OpsWorks is an excellent, low-cost option for Platform-as-a-Service hosting. Follow these step-by-step instructions. Corgibytes Sponsor
The CSS 'quotes' Property video Not often seen or used, but useful nonetheless. Guy Routledge
Laying Out The Future with Grid and Flexbox video 25 minutes. Rachel Andrew
Dos and Don'ts on Designing for Accessibility opinion A handy set of posters you could print out for your office. Karwai Pun
Current State of HTML5 Game Development in 2016 opinion Andrzej Mazur
8 Simple Rules for a Robust, Scalable CSS Architecture opinion Jarno Rantanen
14 SVG Charting Libraries tools Chris Coyier
Swip: A Library to Create Multi Device Experiments tools Expand canvases or active Web page space across multiple device screens placed next to each other. Paul Sonnentag
Pure CSS Minesweeper in Fewer than 400 Lines of Sass demo Bali Balo
Meshi the CSS Dog: A Cute CSS Only Animation on Codepen demo David Khourshid