This study looks at HTML usage data from 8M pages gathered from top Google results (for about 30M keywords, chosen by volume). An example: The average web page uses twenty-five different element types.
Advanced Web Ranking
A look at HTML5 input elements, how each browser interprets them and what the best strategy is for using them in your web projects.
Tim Severien
The transcript of a chat with web and mobile dev experts discussing whether the jQuery project is still useful for modern web development.
Telerik Developer Network
SQL Compare is the industry standard for comparing and deploying SQL Server database schemas quickly and accurately. Find out why 71% of the Fortune 100 use it to create error-free deployment scripts with a free trial.
Red Gate
An overview of how CSS Feature Queries can be used to detect support for specific features on different browsers.
Abbey Fitzgerald
JavaScript is great, yet you can build so many functional UI components without it. Here’s a number of typical web components built with HTML and CSS/SCSS.
Una Kravets
A practical exploration of the native Web accessibility landscape with expert Estelle Weyl.
Estelle Weyl
The benefits of inline form validation are numerous when implemented correctly but many sites don’t use it or do it poorly. Lots of tips here.
Christian Holst
Senior Front End EngineerEveryone should have the power to create professional-quality videos. As a member of the Animoto team, you'll be developing a responsive, elegant web experience and pioneering the next generation of video creation software. Animoto
Front End Developer at GeckoboardGeckoboard is a successful and growing 30-person startup based in East London looking for curious and creative problem solvers to help create beautiful UIs with React and ES6. Geckoboard
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In Brief
AMP Is One Year Old and Growing Fast news Greg Sterling
Blink Intent to Implement: The 'system-ui' Generic Font Family news This new generic font family allows a standardized way to use the system font, on all platforms Blink supports. blink-dev
Is WebVR Ready? The Current State of WebVR Browser Support news Mozilla VR Team
Join Google for Polymer Summit 2016 via Livestream on 17-18 October rawurl news Two days of talks on Polymer, Web Components, Progressive Web Apps, and the future of the mobile web. Google Inc.
Latest WebKit Build Supports JavaScript Internationalization API news WebKit
Why Nexedi is Suing Apple for Better HTML5 Support in iOS news Nexedi
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 news Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will take place in San Francisco, CA on Nov 10-11. Join Chrome VP Darin Fisher for two days of announcements and talks from the Chrome team. Register with code FRONTENDFOCUS. Google Inc. Sponsor
Building a Maintainable and Scalable CSS Codebase with ITCSS tutorial Oliver Thomas Klein
Styling Underlines on the Web tutorial Styling the underlines that sit beneath links can be trickier than you’d think — this post aims to get you up to speed on your options. John Jameson
Responsive Images 201: Client Hints tutorial Client Hints can make the day-to-day task of creating responsive images easier by greatly simplifying the markup. Jason Grigsby
Level up your Ember Skills with simplabs' workshops rawurl course simplabs are offering Ember.JS workshops, ranging from 3 day Jumpstart events to advanced workshops which cover techniques like complex component architectures, FastBoot and Testing. simplabs Sponsor
You Might Not Need a CSS Framework video Frameworks can come at a cost, paid in big CSS files and unused styles. Belen Albeza
The Right Layout Tool for The Job video Rachel Andrew takes a look at Flexbox, CSS Grid Layout and Box Alignment through a lens of performance. WebExpo
Your Body Text Is Too Small opinion Why website body text should be bigger, and ways to optimize it. Christian Miller
Critical Style Snapshot: Capture CSS Used Above The Fold tools Capture and copy CSS above the fold with one click. Léon Smit
Hero Patterns: Repeatable SVG Background Patterns For Your Projects tools Steve Schoger Web Service to Convert Any Image into a Highly Optimized JPEG tools Kraken.IO
Convert Any Font-Awesome Icons to SVG or IMG Assets code CrocodileJS
A Tweet-Sized CSS Layout Debugger code A tweet-sized debugger for visualizing your CSS layouts. Outlines every DOM element on your page a random CSS hex color. Addy Osmani
Chnl: Connect Together Web Audio API Effects and Channels code Maximilian Torggler