CSS Grid expert Rachel Andrew has put together a handy set of short videos covering different aspects of creating your own CSS Grid layouts.
Rachel Andrew
Small but mighty, CSS ‘float shapes’ and feature queries could provide the latest boost to your front-end development toolset.
Eric Meyer
The most accessible format for any content on the web is plain text, and even where images are used, text can provide added value for many users. This is a handy set of tips on the topic.
Ire Aderinokun
If you're a HTML5/JS dev, maybe you have already jumped in on a responsive project and would like to learn more. If not, responsive web design will probably be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know responsive web.
A step-by-step design process for creating layouts as unique as your content. Learn how Flexbox, Grid, Shapes, Multicolumn, Viewport Units, and more can be combined together to revolutionize how you approach page design. 31 minutes
Jen Simmons
“Grid layout is expressive and logical and it solves a number of fundamental gripes.”
Matt Hinchliffe
A look into the current state of HTML-based mobile UI frameworks for building hybrid apps.
Kris Erickson
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In Brief
CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 at Candidate Recommendation news CSS Grid Layout has transitioned to become a Candidate Recommendation. Rachel Andrew
WebKit Introduces MotionMark: A New Graphics Benchmark for Browsers news WebKit
Software Remodeling rawurl Corgibytes’ CEO Andrea Goulet compares remodeling software to how we remodel houses, focusing on biggest value fixes first. It’s about slowly transforming the codebase to become as efficient as possible. Corgibytes Sponsor
An Illustrated Guide to the SVG 'path' Element tutorial Described as ‘the ultimate drawing element’. Chris Coyier
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Do with Chrome’s Dev Console tutorial Swagat Kumar Swain
Responsive Table Layout tutorial Data tables on the web are used to communicate important information to a user. Yet so many of these aren’t mobile-optimized. Here’s one easy way to do just that. Matt Smith
How to Add or Remove a CSS Class with Vanilla JavaScript tutorial Sitepoint
Things to Watch Out for When Working with 3D in CSS tutorial Ana Tudor explores some of the things which surprised her whilst working with 3D in CSS. CSS Tricks
'Progressive Webapps' is the New Ajax video 32 minutes. Chris Wilson
Why You Should Avoid document.write, Specifically for Script Injection opinion Damien Jubeau
Can We Stop Bad-Mouthing CSS in Developer Talks, Please? opinion Christian Heilmann
Frontend Developer at Honeypot (Berlin, Germany) rawurl If you have a deep knowledge in JavaScript, Web Standards (HTML5, CSS3), UI/UX, a passion to create the best apps imaginable, and are seeking a new challenge with an awesome team, apply to Honeypot. Honeypot Sponsor
Landmarks: Navigate a Web Page via WAI-ARIA Landmarks tools Matthew Tylee Atkinson
stylelint: A Modern CSS Linter tools GitHub
Blend: Create and Customize Beautiful CSS3 Gradients. tools A handy browser tool to create CSS3 gradients. Colin Keany
text-spinners: Pure Text, CSS Only Inline Loading Indicators code A clever and flexible approach.
Optimizing Text Content for Screen Readers code Quick tip on how using opacity and the ::after element can optimize screen-reading output. Here’s a short video demonstrating it in action. Šime Vidas
Super Mario Kart Map Recreated in 3D with CSS demo A fun use of CSS 3D functions to create a playable Mario Kart demo — use the arrow keys. Code available on the CSS3Dprototypes repo. xem