Together with  WorkOS
🚀 Frontend Focus

#​654 — July 31, 2024 | Read on the web

Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation — Marc shares a solid look at the best practices to employ in order to avoid excess memory usage when managing/updating the DOM, all with a hope to make your apps faster. A good overview of the core principles behind DOM manipulation and optimization.

Marc Grabanski

🍪 'Third-Party Cookies Have Got to Go' — Following Google’s recent about-turn on deprecating third-party cookies, the W3C reiterates their firm position, stating that these cross-site cookies “are harmful to the web, and must be removed from the web platform”.

Hadley Beeman (W3C)

WorkOS: Start Selling to Enterprises with Just a Few Lines of Code — WorkOS is a modern identity platform for B2B SaaS. It provides flexible and easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and RBAC in minutes. WorkOS is used by hundreds of high-growth startups including Perplexity, Vercel, Drata, & Webflow.

WorkOS sponsor

How the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics Has Impacted Internet Traffic — Admittedly not a frontend piece, but a timely and interesting post all the same on web traffic and the impact of major global events such as the Olympics.

Tomé and Pacheco (Cloudflare)

⚡️ Quick Links

🗓️ SquiggleConf: A Conference for Excellent Web Dev Tooling — See the latest and greatest in web dev tools. Learn cutting edge tips and strategies to supercharge your devs.

SquiggleConf sponsor

📙 Tutorials, Articles & Opinion

User Location is a Lie — Come for the nuance around location-based programming, stay for the list of potentially amusing place names. Beyond that, Austin dives into various ways to access user location, how these methods can sometimes fail, and what to do about it.

Austin Gil

Letter Spacing is Broken and There's Nothing We Can Do About It... Maybe — “a flaw so ingrained on the web that browsers have been ignoring the CSS specification for year

Juan Diego Rodríguez

The Case for Web Components (Free eBook) — Looking for the inside track on Web Components? This expert guide will help you master the technology.

zeroheight sponsor

Popover API 101 — Covers the basics of the now well supported Popover API, including a straightforward look at using it, styling it, and animating it.

Amit Merchant

Bring Your Own API Key: Supporting User-Provided OpenAI Keys and Prompts in Browser Extensions
Stephen Siegert

Dungeons & Dragons Taught Me How to Write alt Text
Eric Bailey

How to Build Horizontal Marquee Effects with GSAP
George Martsoukos

Demystifying Cookies and Tokens
Tommi Hovi

🔧 Code, Tools & Resources

Floating UI: Positioning for Tooltips, Popovers, Dropdowns, etc. — If this reminds you of Tippy.js or Popper at all, it’s similar and shares a creator and contributor respectively who says it’s “designed to be a next-generation evolution”. Lots of good demos on the homepage, and solid documentation too.


Astro 4.12: 🏝️ Say Hello to Server Islands — The latest version of the popular Astro framework includes a new concept of server islands — a way to integrate static HTML and server-side generated components together.

Erika and Phillips (Astro)

Perfect Bug Reporting: A Checklist to Write Bug Reports That Developers Love — A nicely-designed interactive site that describes seven steps to help everyone write better bug reports. Might be useful for team members who aren’t accustomed to reporting bugs.

SENDUNE Designer: An Open-Source Drag-and-Drop HTML Email Builder — You can install it locally or try the demo online. Includes three options: The drag-and-drop editor, raw HTML, or plain text. Also allows you to send a test email to yourself, among other features.


TargetJ: A UI Framework Designed to Simplify Development and Animation — The framework is based on the concept of ‘targets’, which form building blocks for components, and are used for animation, loading data, events, etc. There’s a helpful visual explainer on the home page.


CSS Converter: A VS Code Extension to Convert Kebab-Case to Camel-Case and Vice Versa
Lakkanna Walikar

🕰️ ICYMI (Older links, still worth checking out)
