‘CSS Speech’ properties are intended to give content aural styling, but as it’s not supported in any browsers yet, is there a way we can emulate it with the Web Speech API? Yes!
Léonie Watson
Alex Stamos, the recently appointed chief security officer at Facebook, has called on software company Adobe to announce an “end-of-life date for Flash.”
The Verge
Louis Lazaris
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Media Source Extensions (MSE) provide extended buffering and playback control for the HTML5 audio and video elements.
Google Developers
A look at what was involved in embedding, art-directing and providing accessible fallback for an SVG infographic aimed at the Web.
Sara Soueidan
Being able to communicate with hardware from a page running on any browser with Web Audio API support opens up some interesting opportunities.
Sudo Room
The head of the Firefox support team tweeted all versions of Flash Player are blocked in the browser as of its latest update. This is a temporary measure though.
The Verge
You don’t necessarily need to use JavaScript to bring together styles based on elaborate queries. In pure CSS, ‘quantity queries’ count the number of sibling elements and apply styles if a certain number are present. Couple that with Flexbox and you can do a lot.
Smashing Magazine
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In Brief
The Call To Kill Adobe's Flash In Favor Of HTML5 Is Rising news Arc from Applause
You Know How to Code, but How Are Your Design Skills? course Learn UI UX design through part-time, online courses with 1-on-1 mentorship from expert designers. Designlab Sponsor
Appery Wants to Deliver The Holy Grail: HTML5 Apps with Native Performance news Network World
Issue 480746: Implement Backpressure on Fetch API news Chromium
Optimising an HTML5 Canvas Animation tutorial
Not only should you use requestAnimationFrame, but also pay attention to some extra information it provides.
Remy Sharp
Tutorial: Using a Datagrid in ReactJS Applications tutorial Learn how to use the fast and lightweight Wijmo 5 FlexGrid control in a ReactJS application + sample. Grapecity Sponsor
I Open Sourced My Phaser-Powered HTML5 Game tutorial code Zack Proser
How CSS and JavaScript Can Affect Page Rendering video YouTube
The Characteristics of Minimalism in Web Design opinion Nielsen Norman Group
“Web Design Is Dead.” No, It Isn't. opinion Vitaly Friedman
The Anatomy of A Web-Based Credit Card Form opinion Gabriel Tomescu
Lightyear.fm: A Journey Through Space, Time and Music demo
As you scroll away from Earth, you’ll hear how far music from the airwaves of the time may have travelled.
router5: A Framework Agnostic Router for HTML5-Supporting Browsers code Thomas Roch
HTML to Markdown JavaScript Library, for Node and The Browser code Net Gusto
Cola.js: Constraint-based Layouts in The Browser code
Arranges HTML5 documents and diagrams with constraint-based optimization techniques and works well with libraries like D3.js and svg.js.
Tim Dwyer