A look at using Polymer to work with components, HTML imports, shadow DOM, HTML templates and more, to build a modern, Material Design-themed app.
Smashing Magazine
The Command Line API provides a way to interact with a Web page from a JavaScript console.
AMP is a new open source initiative for publishers to create mobile optimized content using a framework built on existing web technologies.
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
Participate in live, online sessions where you build projects, code pair, and troubleshoot with an expert mentor. Get feedback on your work and help when you're stuck. Attend as many as you like — it's unlimited.
Ties together specs forming the current state of CSS. Aimed at implementers rather than developers as support varies, but provides a big picture of the CSS landscape.
A more-interesting-than-you’d-think explanation of where CSS’s color names came from and why they’re still around.
Ars Technica
A fun one for you. Can you tell your blanchedalmond from your mintcream? It’s harder than you’d think.
Christian Heilmann
Cody Lindley demonstrates 16 various ways to search, find and edit within the source code of a site using Chrome Developer Tools.
Telerik Developer Network
They’re going, but “because Flash is still a common part of the Web experience for most users, we will continue to support Flash within Firefox as an exception”
Front-End Web Developer (Minnesota, USA)We're looking for an experienced front-end developer to join our team in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The perfect candidate is highly experienced in HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript animation libraries such as jQuery. Local candidates only please. Plaudit
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In Brief
Chrome Finally Kills Off The HTTP-HTTPS “Mixed Content” Warning news Ars Technica
FindText API, W3C Editor's Draft news
Describes an API for finding ranges of text in a document.
Web Platform WG is the new WebApps news W3C
Google Acquires Divshot To Join Its Firebase Team, Will Shut Down In December news TechCrunch
How to Modularize HTML Using Template Engines and Gulp tutorial Zell Liew
Inlining Critical CSS for Dynamic Web Apps tutorial Nicolas Bevacqua
Using PostCSS for Cross Browser Compatibility tutorial Tuts+
Porting Chrome Extensions to Firefox with WebExtensions tutorial Mozilla Hacks
Introducing GSS: Grid Style Sheets tutorial SitePoint
Chrome 46: New Motion-Path Animations, Client Hints and Service Worker Improvements video YouTube
Web Font Anti-Pattern: Overusing Web Fonts opinion
The use of custom fonts on the Web has exploded in recent years.
Bram Stein
Animation Advice from a CSS Master opinion SitePoint
Why AMP HTML Does Not Take Full Advantage of The Preload Scanner opinion Malte Ubl
Fayde: Silverlight Everywhere, but via JS and HTML5 tools
A XAML engine using JavaScript and rendering to the HTML5 Canvas.
Brad Sickles
Rune.js: SVG-based JavaScript Drawing Library code
Packed with features. For both browser or under Node.js.
Rune Madsen
PostCSS UnMQ: PostCSS Plugin that Removes Media Queries from CSS While Preserving Rules code
Handy if you need to output desktop CSS for old browsers like IE8.
Jonathan Neal
Discover 52 tips to improve your .NET performance rawurl Our new eBook features dozens of tips and tricks to boost your .NET performance. Download your free copy. Red Gate Software Sponsor
Why Does HTML Think “chucknorris” Is A Color?
An olden goldie, but I figured newer subscribers might appreciate it.
Stack Overflow
The Lego Movie's Emmet in Pure CSS demo CodePen