Ian Devlin documents the various implementation quirks and issues of the ‘date’ input type on mobile and desktop browsers.
HTML5 Doctor
A great grab-bag of things you can do with CSS along with brief code snippets. Things like gradient borders, counters, and z-index transitions.
Ilya Pestov
Tidy is not a new tool but it had fallen into a non-maintained state. A group has now reinvigorated the project and is making it ideal for working with the latest HTML.
Imgix is a real-time image processing service and CDN. Our new libraries enable you to implement lightboxes and zoom viewers without having to create multiple copies of the image, while also delivering it at high quality and speed, to every device or browser.
A designer at Shopify looks at how the flexible box model (Flexbox) can be used to create flexible layouts that work across devices. All major browsers now support it.
Levin Mejia
A W3C First Public Working Draft of a spec covering a mechanism through which sites can ask to be notified when other sites link to them. webmention.io is a service aiming to help make it easier to implement.
If you’ve cobbled together your knowledge of CSS piecemeal over the years, as I have, this could be a handy refresher of the main concepts.
Client Hints is an initiative spearheaded by Google already available in Chrome and Opera that lets you reduce both image sizes and the verbosity of responsive image markup.
Smashing Magazine
Built vertical timelines and mix content into the line or to the left or right of it. There are static and dynamic demos to get the idea.
Patrick Catanzariti notes that ‘vendor prefixes are fading away as browser teams look for better solutions.’ The Chrome team intend to keep features behind their ‘experimental web platform features’ flag until they’re ready for primetime.
Christian Heilmann implores us to write defensive code and check for capabilities in browsers rather than break at the first sign of an unfamiliar environment.
Christian Heilmann
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In Brief
10 Years of Web Inspector news
A great timeline covering a decade of WebKit’s main developer tool.
Microsoft Edge Web Summit - San Francisco, April 4th news
Free registration opens soon.
An HTML5 Player for VR 360° Video - The Next Big Thing? news tools bitdash
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How Not To Misuse ARIA States, Properties and Roles tutorial
“ARIA should not be added to HTML content that already has the desired implied semantics.”
Jonathan Avila
How I Shrank My CSS by 84kb by Refactoring with ITCSS tutorial Jordan Koschei
Creating a WebGL Game with Unity 5 and 'JavaScript' tutorial
Well, UnityScript really, but it’s very similar.
Michaela Lehr
Optimizing SVGs for Web Use tutorial Andreas Larsen
The Benefits of Inheritance via @Extend in Sass tutorial David Nguyen
The Axis of Flexbox video
Learn about the axes of Flexbox, which are different than the traditional top to bottom, left to right axes.
Guy Routledge
Influencing Web Layouts with Print Layouts opinion Chris Coyier
The Current State of Web Security, An Interview with Anselm Hannemann opinion Robin Rendle
Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts opinion Cory House
CSS Gradient Animator tools
This simple online tools produces an interesting background effect.
Ian Forrest
Flag-Colors: A 600 Color Collection tools
Select colors on the page or in Sass, Less, or Stylus. Brand-Colors is similar but using popular brands’ logos.
vivus.js: Animate SVGs as If They're Being Drawn code maxwellito
Animate Plus: CSS and SVG Animation Library code Benjamin De Cock
voxel.css: 3D Pixel Rendering with CSS code
Makes it easy to render Minecraft-esque pixellated block layouts in the browser using 3D CSS.
Hunter John Larco
tweezer.js: Small, Dependency-free, ES6 Library for Smooth Animations code Jackson Geller
Pure CSS Apple Keyboard code demo ByPeople
Alex The CSS Husky code demo
A clever bit of CSS and SVG-only animation here.
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