Practical explanations and examples. Includes a look at contextual highlighting with ‘mark’, quotations with ‘q’, and more.
The styling has been updated and the spec is now easier to read than ever (although it certainly isn’t bedtime reading).
The CSS Scroll Snap Points spec promises to help us lock an element into the viewport on scroll without JavaScript. Support varies wildly between browsers so far though.
Sarah Drasner
Instant performance insights, built for AngularJS developers. Pinpoint performance issues with a breakdown that makes sense. Sign up for early access.
Mozilla’s VR team is working hard to support the creation and display or VR content in the browser. Casey Yee looks at what’s happening.
Mozilla Hacks
A look at Google’s AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project, why it’s worth exploring, and a quick look at how you can convert an existing Web design to using its principles.
David Attard
A look at a new Web standard aimed at improving performance and providing more granular control over loading to Web developers.
Smashing Magazine
Mozilla wants the DevTools in Firefox to be as hackable as the Web sites you’re working on. Reload lets you make changes to the tools themselves in real time with automatic reloading.
Mozilla Hacks
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In Brief
Technical Debt Slowing You Down? rawurl Roll out features faster with Corgibytes on your team. corgibytes Sponsor
Support for H.264 Video Codec on WebRTC in Chrome Behind Flag news discuss-webrtc
Credential Management Level 1 W3C Editor's Draft news
Describes an imperative API enabling a site to request credentials from a user agent, and help the user agent store user credentials for future use.
Prototyping the Custom Elements API in WebKit news webkit-dev
Webmention W3C Working Draft news
A spec defining a simple way for pages to request you notify them when you link to them.
An Interview with Una Kravets news
Cohost of Toolsday and a developer on IBM Design’s Cloud Platform Team.
Sarah Drasner
Kranky Geek WebRTC Event: Bengaluru, India (March 19) news Kranky Geek
FullStack 2016: A JS, Node and IoT Conference in London (July 13-15) news
CFP is currently open if you want to speak.
Skills Matter
Boost Your CSS Animation Performance with the Repaintless.css Library tutorial Anna Migas
SVG Style Inheritance and the ‘Flash Of Unstyled SVG’ tutorial Sara Soueidan
'Squigglevision' Animation with SVG Turbulence Filters tutorial Chris Coyier
React Inline Styles and the Future of CSS video Alex Lande
Walmart's HTML, Web and CSS Style Guide opinion
This is pretty epic.
Walmart Labs
Infinite Scrolling, Pagination Or “Load More” Buttons? Usability Findings In eCommerce opinion Smashing Magazine
Writing A Web Component That Wraps A Standard HTML Element Might Alleviate The Need for is='' Syntax opinion Component Kitchen
A Rewrite of The 'article' Element Definition opinion Steve Faulkner
wring: Extract Content From HTML using CSS Selectors, XPath, and JS tools
Extract content from webpages using CSS Selectors, XPath, and JS expressions
Ozan Sener
Gulp-css-gsub: A Gulp Module to Minify CSS Classes tools Ruslan P
Visual Studio Code Introduces Chrome Debugging for JS tools news
Lets you debug client-side JavaScript code running inside Google Chrome directly from Visual Studio Code.
Pressure.js: For Working with Apple's Force Touch Functionality code
Safari only for now. Your mileage may vary.
Stuart Yamartino
Rubik’s Cube Explorer demo Stewart Smith
Tantalum: A 2D Ultra Light Beam Propagation Simulation demo This is everything. Benedikt Bitterli
Web Audio Arpeggiator demo Dave DeSandro
Apply to 3,000+ Jobs in 10 Minutes & 1 Application rawurl Top companies apply to you on Hired. Get salary and equity upfront before interviewing. Sponsor