This week I'm on site at O'Reilly Fluent in San Francisco, so if you're here, come say hi in the Community Lounge. I can give you some of our entirely-for-fun HTML6 (no, HTML6 isn't real) and CSS4 (ditto) stickers to future proof your laptop :-) - Peter Cooper, Editor
A succinct look at creating a Chrome extension that uses the Web Speech API to read out content upon the user’s request.
Ivan Dimov
A look at the potential for communicating with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices from the Web browser. It’s a pretty elegant, promise-based API.
Shwetank Dixit
Uses special data- attributes for its settings, but has no reliance upon JavaScript at all. The code is tidy and clever.
Claudio Holanda
With touch-first design, and full AngularJS support, Wijmo's FlexGrid and chart controls focus on top performance and zero dependencies. Wijmo's flexible API provides users an easy, enjoyable way to get what they need done. Build enterprise apps with Wijmo 5. Learn more.
A look at a tool, ZorroSVG, that can convert transparent PNG32 files into smaller SVGs (containing a JPEG and a alpha mask) that will work in modern browsers.
An introduction to the possibilities of visualizing audio manipulated with the Web Audio API using D3, the data visualization library.
William Ferguson
49 adds support for custom CSS properties. Service Workers become more powerful with the ability to reliably send data with background sync. And the ‘save-data’ client hint header lets you deliver faster pages to users who want them.
I think you need to be careful where you use multi-column layouts for text, but this is an introduction to doing it in most modern browsers.
A raft of new internet accessibility work by Microsoft will make the web user-experience for people with disabilities far smoother and more sophisticated.
Cosima Mielke takes a quick look at a variety of ways to improve your Web typography and improve your readers’ reading experience.
Smashing Magazine
Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try
In Brief
WebAssembly May Go Live in Browsers This Year news InfoWorld
CSS Grid Layout in Blink: Current Status and Future Plans news blink-dev
BugRex: Fix HTML, CSS and JS Bugs with Live Chat news
Begun live as a paid idea, but is now free/volunteer.
Last chance to join our March UI/UX courses, launching this Friday! rawurl course Learn UI UX design through part-time, online courses with 1-on-1 mentorship from expert designers. Designlab Sponsor
10 Things to Need to Know About CSS tutorial Dmitry Sheiko
Make Right Click on a Logo Show Logo Download Options tutorial
A clever and helpful UX trick.
Chris Coyier
Fixing the font-weight Problem on Hover States tutorial
Two solutions to font-weight changes causing undesirable text shifts.
George Martsoukos
CSS-Only Responsive Tables tutorial David Bushell
Building A Real-Time Retrospective Board With Video Chat tutorial
Uses WebRTC, Node and a little jQuery.
Smashing Magazine
Responsive Typographic Headlines with CSS and JS tutorial
A brief look at a variety of techniques and libraries for creating responsive headlines on your pages.
Trellisheets: How We Spin Up CSS for Trello Sites with Ease opinion Trello
Bixa Color: The First Chromatic Font for The Web tools
The OpenType standard added support for colored glyphs. Only Firefox supports it for now.
Novo Typo
Font Famous: A Free Vector Logo Font for Showing Off Press Mentions tools
Includes logos for the New York Times, Product Hunt, CNN, and more.
Anthony David Adams
CSS Style Guide Usage Auditing Tool tools
Audit the CSS on a page to see what elements are using styles from the style guide and which styles are overriding them
Steven Lambert
CSS Gradient Generator Tool tools Stefano Merlo
LightSwitch: Lightweight HTML5 Single-Page Site using jQuery Templating to Switch Content code Kate Klemp
A11y Toggle: For Building Accessible Content Toggling/Toggles code Edenspiekermann
Discover 52 tips to improve your .NET performance rawurl Our new eBook features dozens of tips and tricks to boost your .NET performance. Download your free copy. Red Gate Software Sponsor
Exoplanets Visualization with WebGL demo Asterank