The State of Mobile First and Desktop First — Is mobile first or desktop first still relevant today? This article explores that question, outlining the pros and cons of such approaches. Ahmad Shadeed |
Practical Uses of CSS Math Functions: Stephanie Eckles |
Learn the Fundamentals of TypeScript — Use TypeScript to add strong typing to large JavaScript apps helps reduce bugs and keeps code performant and maintainable. This course covers all you need to know including how to migrate your codebase to TypeScript and improve productivity while building large-scale apps with ease. Frontend Masters sponsor |
Sustainable Web Design, An Excerpt — This excerpt from Tom Greenwood’s book on Sustainable Web Design provides some much needed clear guidance on how we can track, and moreover address the carbon footprint of the websites we create. A List Apart |
Breaking The Web Forward — Thoughts on the current standing of browsers and the differing approaches of Safari and Chrome in particular. Peter-Paul Koch |
📙 Tutorials, Articles & Opinion |
Accessible Contrast Ratios and A-Levels Explained — A guide to understanding and making use of the labels and ratios that determine accessible contrast (those ‘A’, ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ labels you may have seen). Stark Lab, Inc |
The Accessibility and SEO Myth — Cooper Hollmaier explains how search engine optimization and accessibility have a lot more in common than you may think. The A11y Project |
Build a Powerful Backend for Your Frontend in Minutes — Create, manage and deploy serverless backends using an intuitive interface for your web apps, mobile apps, and microservices. Canonic sponsor |
HTML is Not a Programming Language? — This discussion seems to pop up every now and again. This post looks at typical arguments, and some rebuttals. Alvaro Montoro |
CSS Nesting, Specificity and You — Native CSS nesting (like Sass or Less) is coming to browsers soon, meaning we can soon greatly cut down on repetitive selectors. Here’s what you need to know, and be careful of. Kilian Valkhof |
Loading Third-Party JavaScript — This isn’t new, but recently popped up on our radar again and remains a solid resource — learn how to optimize the loading of third-party scripts to reduce their impact on performance. Addy Osmani & Arthur Evans |
How to Improve Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on WordPress
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources |
SpeedVitals: Optimize Your Website for Core Web Vitals — Enter a URL and select a type of device and country to run the various Core Web Vitals tests along with results you can use to make improvements. The layout shift animation is particularly handy. speedvitals |
Blobbb: An Online Tool to Create Custom SVG Blobs — Choose from three blob styles, fill color, optional stroke, and whether you want a gradient and/or pattern, then grab the SVG code or download as SVG image. Riva Yudha |
React Page Scroller: Smooth Full-page Scrolling Using CSS Animations — Try out two types of demos here. Vik Liegostaiev |
Serve Your Image Library on the Fly, Using a Simple Querystring API OMGIMG sponsor |
iColorpalette: A Platform for Creating, Editing, & Sharing Palettes Fabrizio Bianchi |
Geist: A Modern and Minimalist React UI Library — Design inspired by Vercel and includes 50+ categorized components that you can view here on the documentation site. Geist |
Introducing MIDIVal: The Easiest Way to Interact with MIDI in Your Browser — Despite being 40 years old, the MIDI protocol is still heavily used by, and hugely valuable to, musicians. MIDIVal is a higher level abstraction for working with MIDI from JavaScript. Getting started tutorial. Kacper Kula |