🚀 The Frontend Highlights of 2022
🥳 Happy New Year! Today's issue is a look back over the highlights of what we shared here in the newsletter throughout 2022. There's a particular focus on new CSS tech, and how we use it, along with a few thoughts on our frontend best practices.
We'll be back next week with our usual round-up of the latest frontend news, great tutorials, and neat tools and resources you need to know about. If you have any articles, videos or resources you want to share, please hit reply and let us know — we're always keen to take a look. Let's get to it! ___
Chris Brandrick, Editor
1: Using :has() As A CSS Parent Selector & Much More — Looks like everyone wanted to play around with the new :has() pseudo-class to see what it unlocked, as this from Jen Simmons in August was our top shared link of the year. This post covers the basics of how to use it as a parent selector, and highlights some great examples of what powerful things you can do with it.
💬 “This feels like a revolution in how we will write CSS selectors, opening up a world of possibilities previously either impossible or often not worth the effort.” — Jen Simmons (WebKit)
3: Explain the First 10 Lines of Twitter's Source Code to Me — This frontend interview question garnered enough interest to get into the top three links of 2022. At first it may seem straightforward enough, but there’s actually plenty to unpack and consider — this interesting CSS-Tricks post from last February goes through things line-by-line.
Anand Chowdhary
4: An Interactive Guide to Flexbox — This interactive explainer from Josh is packed with over 20 demos clearly showing off how Flexbox works. An excellent overview, first shared in November, and an overall sound way to wrap your head around the core functions that flexbox offers.
Josh W. Comeau
5: CSS Container Queries Are Finally Here — Over the summer Ahmad posted this solid overview of how container queries work, how we can use them, what the syntax looks like, and shared a few real-life examples and use cases.
Ahmad Shadeed
6: Lesser-Known And Underused CSS Features — If you missed this first time round, you'll no doubt learn something from this look at which properties and selectors are lesser-known or should be used more often — including the likes of currentColor , scroll-padding , isolation , and more.
Adrian Bece
7: The ‘Form’ Element Created the Modern Web. Was It a Big Mistake? — Plenty of you tapped on this May story exploring the impact of the humble <form> element and how it became something of “a pivot point for the entire technology industry". The author explains how it went on to change the web from a read-only medium to a read-write medium for anything.
Paul Ford
9: You Don’t Need a UI Framework — Another from Josh (see number 4 above), this time making the case that you might not always need to raech out for Bootstrap, Material UI and the like.
Josh W. Comeau
10: The Web Almanac 2022 — Performance — This chapter from excellent HTTP Archive Web Almanac for 2022 resonated with readers (and rounds out our top ten) — this specific chapter focuses on web performance, specifically looking at Google’s Core Web Vitals solution, and how it has impacted the performance conversation. The full Web Almanac is superb reading and offers a current and rounded view of frontend development.
Melissa Ada & Rick Viscomi
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